Your Conversations

<%= link_to 'Start a new conversation', new_pm_path %>

Unread Conversations

<% conversations = current_user.mailbox.conversations %> <% conversations.each do |conversation| %> <% receipts = conversation.receipts_for current_user %> <% if conversation.is_unread?(current_user) && receipts.last.message.sender != current_user %> <% message = receipts.last.message %> <% end %> <% end %>
With Subject Body
<% people = conversation.participants %> <% people.each do |person| %> <% unless person == current_user %> <%= truncate(person.user_name, length: 20) %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= truncate(conversation.subject, length: 30) %> <%= truncate(message.body, length: 42) %> <%= link_to 'View', @pms.find_by(conversation: conversation) %>

Read Conversations

<% conversations = current_user.mailbox.conversations %> <% conversations.each do |conversation| %> <% receipts = conversation.receipts_for current_user %> <% if conversation.is_read?(current_user) || receipts.last.message.sender == current_user %> <% message = receipts.last.message %> <% end %> <% end %>
With Subject Body
<% people = conversation.participants %> <% people.each do |person| %> <% unless person == current_user %> <%= truncate(person.user_name, length: 20) %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= truncate(conversation.subject, length: 30) %> <%= truncate(message.body, length: 42) %> <%= link_to 'View', @pms.find_by(conversation: conversation) %>