	<%= @match.status %>
	<strong>Tournament stage:</strong>
	<%= @match.tournament_stage %>

	Match Status 0 =>	Created, waiting to start
	Match Status 1 =>	Match is running, waiting to finish
	Match Status 2 =>	Match finished, waiting for peer reviews
	Match Status 3 =>	Totally done.

	Four views:- (status is Match status)
	A. Pairings, when status is 0 for either Host or Player Or when status is 1 for player 
	B. A page the host will see if status is 1 OR 2
	C. The Peer review page that the players will see if status is 2.
	D. The page everyone will see when status is 3.

	Note:- The change of status from 1 to 2 is coming from League Data Pull (RIOT API)


	<% @match.teams.each do |team| %>
		<li>Team <%= team.id %><ul>
			<% team.users.each do |user| %>
				<% if @match.status <= 1 %>
					<li><%= user.user_name %></li>
				<% else %>
					<li><%= user.user_name %> - SCORE: <%= @match.scores.select{|s| s.user == user}.first.value %></li>
				<% end %>
			<% end %>
	<% end %>

<% unless @match.winner.nil? %>
		<%= @match.winner.users.collect{|u| u.user_name}.join(", ") %>
<% end %>

<div id="action">
	<%= form_tag(tournament_match_path(@tournament, @match), method: "put") do %>
		<% case @match.status %>
		<% when 0 %>
			<!-- Created, waiting to start -->
			<% if @tournament.hosts.include? current_user %>
				<input type="hidden" name="update_action" value="start">
				<%= submit_tag("Start Match", :disabled => @match.teams.count < @tournament.min_teams_per_match) %>
			<% else %>
				<p>Match is waiting to start.</p>
			<% end %>
		<% when 1 %>
			<!-- Started, waiting to finish -->
			<% if @tournament.hosts.include? current_user %>
				<input type="hidden" name="update_action" value="finish">
				<% @match.teams.each do |team| %>
					<fieldset><legend>Team <%= team.id.to_s %></legend>
						<% team.users.collect{|u| u.user_name}.each do |k| %><label>
							Score for <%= k %><br>
							<% @player_score = 0 %>
							<% current_user.scores.find_by_match(@match).each{ |s| @player_score+=s.value } %>
							<%= text_field_tag("scores[#{k}]", @player_score, size: 3) %>
						</label><% end %>
				<% end %>
				<%= submit_tag("Finish match") %>
			<% else %>
				<p>The match is running; the host has yet to post the scores of the match.</p>
			<% end %>
		<% when 2 %>
			<!-- Finished, waiting for peer reviews -->
			<input type="hidden" name="update_action" value="peer">
			<input type="hidden" name="review_action" value="">
			<% users = []; @match.teams.each{|t| users.concat(t.users)}; %>
			<% if users.include? current_user %>
				<% @match.teams.each do |team| %>
					<% if team.users.include?(current_user) %>
						<ol id="boxes" class="sortable">
							<% team.users.reject{ |u| (u.user_name == @current_user.user_name) }.collect {|u| u.user_name }.each do |k| %>
								<li><%= k%>
									<% if (@tournament.game_id  == 1) %>
										<%= if @blue2["#{k}"] == nil
											"Level: #{@purp2["#{k}"]["level"]}  K/D/A: #{@purp2["#{k}"]["championsKilled"]}/#{@purp2["#{k}"]["numDeaths"]}/#{@purp2["#{k}"]["assists"]}  Gold:#{@purp2["#{k}"]["goldEarned"]}"
											"Level: #{@blue2["#{k}"]["level"]}  K/D/A: #{@blue2["#{k}"]["championsKilled"]}/#{@blue2["#{k}"]["numDeaths"]}/#{@blue2["#{k}"]["assists"]}  Gold:#{@blue2["#{k}"]["goldEarned"]}"
										end %>
									<% end %>
							<% end %>
					<% end %>
				<% end %>
				<%= submit_tag("Submit peer evaluation", :onsubmit => "score_peers()") %>
			<% else %>
				Waiting for peer evaluations to be submitted.
			<% end %>
		<% when 3 %>
			<!-- Totally done -->
			This match is done.
			<input type="hidden" name="update_action" value="reset">
			<%= submit_tag("Reset Status") %>
		<% end # case %>
	<% end # form %>

<script type="text/javascript">
function score_peers() {
	//get each player in order and assign score here!
	var $lisp = $('ol#boxes');
	var comma = ","
	for(var i=0; i < $lisp.length; i++) {
		if ( i == lisp.length-1) {
			comma = "";
		$('review_action').value +=  $('ol#boxes:eq(' + i + ')').text() + comma;