<%= form_tag(tournament_match_path(@tournament, @match), method: "put") do %>
<% case @match.status %>
<% when 0 %>
<% if @tournament.hosts.include? current_user %>
<%= submit_tag("Start Match", :disabled => @match.teams.count < @tournament.min_teams_per_match) %>
<% else %>
Match is waiting to start.
<% end %>
<% when 1 %>
<%= raw @match.tournament_stage.tournament.sampling_method.camelcase.constantize.render_user_interaction(@match, current_user) %>
<% when 2 %>
<% users = []; @match.teams.each{|t| users.concat(t.users)}; %>
<% if users.include? current_user %>
<% @match.teams.each do |team| %>
<% if team.users.include?(current_user) %>
<% team.users.reject{ |u| (u.user_name == @current_user.user_name) }.collect {|u| u.user_name }.each do |k| %>
<%= k%>
<% if (@tournament.game_id == 1) %>
<%= if @blue2["#{k}"] == nil
"Level: #{@purp2["#{k}"]["level"]} K/D/A: #{@purp2["#{k}"]["championsKilled"]}/#{@purp2["#{k}"]["numDeaths"]}/#{@purp2["#{k}"]["assists"]} Gold:#{@purp2["#{k}"]["goldEarned"]}"
"Level: #{@blue2["#{k}"]["level"]} K/D/A: #{@blue2["#{k}"]["championsKilled"]}/#{@blue2["#{k}"]["numDeaths"]}/#{@blue2["#{k}"]["assists"]} Gold:#{@blue2["#{k}"]["goldEarned"]}"
end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= submit_tag("Submit peer evaluation", :onsubmit => "score_peers()") %>
<% else %>
Waiting for peer evaluations to be submitted.
<% end %>
<% when 3 %>
This match is done.
<%= submit_tag("Reset Status") %>
<% end # case %>
<% end # form %>