class TournamentStage < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :tournament has_many :matches # A 1-indexed hash of matches def matches_ordered h = {} i = 1 self.matches.order(:id).each do |m| h[i] = m i += 1 end return h end def create_matches scheduling.create_matches end def to_svg(highlight_user) return scheduling.graph(highlight_user) end def seed return seeding.seed.pair(matches, players) end def make_methods(dir) if @methods[dir].nil? or Rails.env.development? @methods[dir] = Dir.glob("#{Rails.root}/lib/#{dir}/*.rb").map{|filename| filename.sub(/.*\/(.*)\.rb/, /\1/)} end return @methods[dir] end def scoring_methods make_methods "scoring" end def sampling_methods make_methods "sampling" end def scheduling_methods make_methods "scheduling" end def seeding_methods make_methods "seeding" end # Accessors to the configured methods def scoring @scoring ||= tournament.scoring end def sampling @sampling ||= tournament.sampling end def scheduling @scheduling ||= "Scheduling::#{self.scheduling_method.camelcase}" end def seeding @seeding ||= "Seeding::#{self.seeding_method.camelcase}" end end