class TournamentStage < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :tournament has_many :matches def matches_ordered h = {} i = 1 self.matches.order(:id).each do |m| h[i] = m i += 1 end return h end def create_matches set_scheduling @scheduling.create_matches end def to_svg(highlight_user) set_scheduling return @scheduling.graph(highlight_user) end def pair set_pairing return @pairing.pair(matches, players) end def score set_scoring #populating the user scores in the database form what you get from @scoring.score(match, interface) end #populate the statistics interface (with populating method) def populate set_populating #? end private def set_scheduling if @scheduling.nil? @scheduling = "Scheduling::#{self.scheduling.capitalize}" end return @scheduling end private def set_pairing if @pairing.nil? if(@tournament.randomized_teams) @pairing = "Pairing::RandomPairing" #elsif(setTeams) #@pairing = Pre built #return @pairing end end return @pairing end private def set_scoring end private def set_populating end end