class Tournament < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :game has_many :matches has_many :settings_raw, class_name: "TournamentSetting" has_and_belongs_to_many :players, class_name: "User", association_foreign_key: "player_id", join_table: "players_tournaments" has_and_belongs_to_many :hosts, class_name: "User", association_foreign_key: "host_id", join_table: "hosts_tournaments" def matches_ordered h = {} i = 1 matches.order(:id).each do |m| h[i] = m i += 1 end return h end def settings @settings ||= end def settings=(setting) setting.each do |key, value| value = false if value == "0" settings[key] = value end end class Settings def initialize(tournament) @tournament = tournament end def [](setting_name) tournament_setting = @tournament.settings_raw.find_by_name(setting_name) if tournament_setting.nil? return nil else return tournament_setting.value end end def []=(setting_name, val) tournament_setting = @tournament.settings_raw.find_by_name(setting_name) if tournament_setting.nil? game_setting = @tournament.settings_raw.create(name: setting, value: val, vartype: game_setting.vartype, type_opt: game_setting.type_opt, description: game_setting.description, display_order: game_setting.display_order) else tournament_setting.value = val end end def keys @tournament.settings_raw.all.collect { |x| } end def method_missing(name, *args) if name.to_s.ends_with?('=') self[name.to_s.sub(/=$/, '').to_sym] = args.first else return self[name.to_sym] end end end def open? return true end def joinable_by?(user) return (open? and user.can?(:join_tournament) and !players.include?(user)) end def join(user) unless joinable_by?(user) return false end players.push(user) end def leave(user) if players.include?(user) && status == 0 players.delete(user) end end def setup num_teams = (self.players.count/self.min_players_per_team).floor num_matches = num_teams - 1 for i in 1..num_matches self.matches.create(name: "Match #{i}", status: 0, submitted_peer_evaluations: 0) end match_num = num_matches-1 team_num = 0 #for each grouping of min_players_per_team players.each_slice(min_players_per_team) do |players| #if the match is full, move to the next match, otherwise move to the next team if (team_num == min_teams_per_match) match_num -= 1 team_num = 0 else team_num += 1 end #create a new team in the current match self.matches[match_num].teams.push(Team.create(users: players)) end end end