class MatchesController < ApplicationController require 'httparty' require 'json' require 'delayed_job' before_action :set_tournament, only: [:index] # GET /tournaments/1/matches # GET /tournaments/1/matches.json def index end # GET /tournaments/1/matches/1 # GET /tournaments/1/matches/1.json def show if @match.tournament_stage.tournament.game_id == 1 file_blue = "blue.yaml" file_purple = "purple.yaml" @blue2 = YAML.load_file(file_blue) @purp2 = YAML.load_file(file_purple) end end # PATCH/PUT /tournaments/1/matches/1 # PATCH/PUT /tournaments/1/matches/1.json def update case params[:update_action] when "start" # # Redirect to the current match page for this tournament with the correct sampling view rendered # @match.status = 1 respond_to do |format| if format.html { redirect_to tournament_match_path(@tournament, @match), notice: 'Match has started.' } format.json { head :no_content } else format.html { redirect_to @tournament, notice: "You don't have permission to start this match." } format.json { render json: "Permission denied", status: :forbidden } end end when "finish" # # Get the winner and blowout status from the params given by the correct sampling view # unless @match.tournament_stage.tournament.sampling.sampling_done? @match.tournament_stage.tournament.sampling.handle_user_interaction(@match, current_user, params) end # Skip peer evaluation if there aren't enough players per team peer = false @match.teams.each do |team| if team.users.count > 2 peer = true end end @match.status = peer ? 2 : 3 respond_to do |format| if format.html { redirect_to tournament_match_path(@tournament, @match), notice: 'Peer evaluation started.' } format.json { head :no_content } else format.html { redirect_to @tournament, notice: "Permission denied" } format.json { render json: "Permission denied", status: :forbidden } end end when "peer" # # Update user scores via scoring method # #update this to use scoring interface order = params[:review_action] base_score = 2 next_score = 3 order.split(",").reverse.each do |elem| player_score = base_score if @match.winner.user.include?(@current_user) player_score += 10 else player_score += 7 end Score.create(user: elem, match: @match, value: player_score ) base_score = next_score next_score += base_score end @match.submitted_peer_evaluations += 1 players = []; @match.teams.each{|t| players.concat(t.users.all)} if (@match.submitted_peer_evaluations == players.count) @match.status = 3 end respond_to do |format| if format.html { redirect_to tournament_match_path(@tournament, @match), notice: 'Scores Submitted' } format.json { head :no_content } else format.html { redirect_to @tournament, notice: "You don't have permission to start this match." } format.json { render json: "Permission denied", status: :forbidden } end end when "reset" # # Reset Match Status to 1 in case something needs to be replayed. # @match.status = 1 respond_to do |format| if format.html { redirect_to tournament_match_path(@tournament, @match), notice: 'Match Status Reset to 1' } format.json { head :no_content } else format.html { redirect_to @tournament, notice: "You don't have permission to start this match." } format.json { render json: "Permission denied", status: :forbidden } end end else respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to @tournament, notice: "Invalid action", status: :unprocessable_entity } format.json { render json: @tournament.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end private # Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions. def set_match @match = Match.find(params[:id]) @tournament = @match.tournament_stage.tournament end def set_tournament @tournament = Tournament.find(params[:tournament_id]) end # Never trust parameters from the scary internet, only allow the white list through. def match_params params.require(:match).permit(:status, :tournament_stage_id, :winner_id, :remote_id, :submitted_peer_evaluations, :update_action) end # Turn of check_edit, since our #update is flexible def check_edit set_match end end