Update = (tournament) ->
here = tournament["players"].length
needed = (tournament["min_teams_per_match"] * tournament["min_players_per_team"])
pct_complete = here / needed
$("#prog-bar").width (pct_complete * 100) + "%"
$("#players-needed").text here + " " + ((if here is 1 then "player has" else "players have")) + " signed up. " + needed + " players needed. "
# Update the user list
players = ""
for player in tournament["players"]
players = players + "
" + player["user_name"] + ""
$("#tournament-users").html players
# Enable/disable the "start" button depending on the number of players
$("input[value=\"Start Tournament\"]").prop "disabled", (if (pct_complete >= 1) then false else true)
# Switch views if the tournament has been started
if tournament["status"] is 1
window.location.reload true
# Do it all again
setTimeout (->
$.ajax(url: window.location.href.replace(/\..*/,'')+".json").done Update
), 2000
# Now kick off the whole process
window.onload = ->
$.ajax(url: window.location.href.replace(/\..*/,'')+".json").done Update