path: root/lib/scheduling
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/scheduling')
3 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/scheduling/ b/lib/scheduling/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..173b7be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/scheduling/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Files in this directory should implement the following interface:
+ - `initialize(tournament_stage)`
+ construct new Scheduling object from tournament_stage
+ - `create_matches`
+ creates all the matches of the current round
+ - `finish_match(match)`
+ progresses the match through the schedule
+ - `graph`
+ returns a string representation of an svg image of the current stage \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/scheduling/elimination.rb b/lib/scheduling/elimination.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4518cff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/scheduling/elimination.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+module Scheduling
+ class Elimination
+ include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
+ def initialize(tournament_stage)
+ @tournament_stage = tournament_stage
+ end
+ def create_matches
+ num_teams = (tournament.players.count/tournament.min_players_per_team).floor
+ num_matches = (Float(num_teams - tournament.min_teams_per_match)/(tournament.min_teams_per_match - 1)).ceil + 1
+ for i in 1..num_matches
+ tournament_stage.matches.create(status: 0, submitted_peer_evaluations: 0)
+ end
+ match_num = num_matches-1
+ team_num = 0
+ tournament.players.shuffle
+ # for each grouping of min_players_per_team
+ tournament.players.each_slice(tournament.min_players_per_team) do |team_members|
+ # if the match is full, move to the next match, otherwise move to the next team
+ if (team_num == tournament.min_teams_per_match)
+ match_num -= 1
+ team_num = 1
+ else
+ team_num += 1
+ end
+ # create a new team in the current match
+ tournament_stage.matches[match_num].teams.push(Team.create(users: team_members))
+ end
+ end
+ def finish_match(match)
+ matches = match.tournament_stage.matches_ordered
+ cur_match_num = matches.invert[match]
+ unless cur_match_num == 1
+ match.winner.matches.push(matches[cur_match_num/2])
+ end
+ end
+ def graph(current_user)
+ matches = @tournament_stage.matches_ordered
+ numTeams = @tournament_stage.tournament.min_teams_per_match
+ logBase = numTeams
+ # depth of SVG tree
+ depth = Math.log(matches.count*(logBase-1),logBase).floor+1;
+ # height of SVG
+ matchHeight = 50*logBase;
+ height = [(matchHeight+50) * logBase**(depth-1) + 100, 500].max;
+ str = <<-STRING
+ <svg version="1.1" baseProfile="full"
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:xlink=""
+ width="100%" height="#{height}">
+ <defs>
+ <radialGradient id="gradMatch" cx="50%" cy="50%" r="80%" fx="50%" fy="50%">
+ <stop offset="0%" style="stop-color:#fff; stop-opacity:1" />
+ <stop offset="100%" style="stop-color:#ccc;stop-opacity:0" />
+ </radialGradient>
+ </defs>
+ base = 1
+ pBase = 1
+ (1..matches.count).each do |i|
+ matchDepth = Math.log(i*(logBase-1), logBase).floor+1
+ puts matchDepth
+ if matchDepth > Math.log(base*(logBase-1), logBase).floor+1
+ pBase = base
+ base = i
+ end
+ puts base
+ rh = 100 / (logBase**(depth-1)+1) - 100/height;
+ puts rh
+ rw = 100/(depth+1) - 5
+ puts rw
+ rx = 50/(depth+1) + 100/(depth+1)*(depth-matchDepth)
+ puts rx
+ ry = 100/(logBase**(matchDepth-1)+1) * (i-base+1) - rh/2
+ puts ry
+ str += "\t<a id=\"svg-match-#{i}\" xlink:href=\"#{match_path(matches[i])}\"><g>\n"
+ str += "\t\t<rect height=\"#{rh}%\" width=\"#{rw}%\" x=\"#{rx}%\" y=\"#{ry}%\" fill=\"url(#gradMatch)\" rx=\"5px\" stroke-width=\"2\""
+ case matches[i].status
+ when 0
+ if matches[i].teams.count < @tournament_stage.tournament.min_teams_per_match
+ str += ' stroke="red"'
+ str += ' fill-opacity="0.6"'
+ else
+ str += ' stroke="green"'
+ end
+ when 1
+ str += ' stroke="orange"'
+ when 2
+ str += ' stroke="yellow"'
+ when 3
+ str += ' stroke="grey"'
+ end
+ str += "/>\n"
+ t = 1
+ while t <= numTeams
+ color = (matches[i].teams[t-1] and matches[i].teams[t-1].users.include?(current_user)) ? "#5BC0DE" : "white"
+ str += "\t\t<rect width=\"#{rw-5}%\" height=\"#{rh*Float(30)/(matchHeight)}%\" x=\"#{rx + 2.5}%\" y=\"#{ry + (Float(t-1)/numTeams)*rh + 1 }%\" fill=\"#{color}\" />\n"
+ if matches[i].teams[t-1]
+ str += "\t\t<text x=\"#{rx + rw/4}%\" y=\"#{ry + (Float(t-1)/numTeams + Float(33)/(matchHeight))*rh}%\" font-size=\"200%\">Team #{matches[i].teams[t-1].id}</text>\n"
+ end
+ if (t < numTeams)
+ str += "\t\t<text x=\"#{rx + 1.3*rw/3}%\" y=\"#{ry + (Float(t)/numTeams)*rh + 1}%\" font-size=\"200%\"> VS </text>\n"
+ end
+ t = t + 1
+ end
+ if i > 1
+ parent = (i+logBase-2)/logBase
+ pDepth = Math.log(parent*(logBase-1), logBase).floor+1
+ lastrx = 50/(depth+1) + 100/(depth+1)*(depth-pDepth)
+ lastry = 100/(logBase**(pDepth-1)+1) * (parent-pBase+1) - rh/2
+ str += "\t\t<line x1=\"#{rx+rw}%\" y1=\"#{ry+rh/2}%\" x2=\"#{lastrx}%\" y2=\"#{lastry+rh/2}%\" stroke=\"white\" stroke-width=\"2\" >\n"
+ end
+ str += "</g></a>\n"
+ end
+ str += '</svg>'
+ return str
+ end
+ private
+ def tournament_stage
+ @tournament_stage
+ end
+ def tournament
+ tournament_stage.tournament
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/scheduling/roundrobin.rb b/lib/scheduling/roundrobin.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a9e257
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/scheduling/roundrobin.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+module Scheduling
+ class RoundRobin
+ include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
+ def initialize(tournament_stage)
+ @tournament_stage = tournament_stage
+ end
+ def create_matches
+ num_teams = (tournament.players.count/tournament.min_players_per_team).floor
+ num_matches = Float(num_teams/2)*(num_teams-1)
+ for i in 1..num_matches
+ tournament_stage.matches.create(status: 0, submitted_peer_evaluations: 0)
+ end
+ end
+ def finish_match(match)
+ #declare winner of match, and store that somehow
+ rotate
+ return "totes worked\n"
+ end
+ def graph(current_user)
+ end
+ private
+ def create_round_array
+ #round robin should look like this.
+ @team_pairs =
+ for i in 0..@match.teams.size
+ @team_pairs.push(@match.teams[i])
+ #if there is an odd number of teams, add a dummy for byes
+ if @match.teams.size % 2 != 0 && i == @match.teams.size-1
+ dummy = Team.create
+ @team_pairs.push(dummy)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def tournament_stage
+ @tournament_stage
+ end
+ def tournament
+ tournament_stage.tournament
+ end
+ def rotate
+ #this is called when a round has completed
+ #remove first team
+ hold = @team_pairs.shift
+ #rotate by 1 element
+ @team_pairs.rotate!
+ #place first team the front of the array
+ @team_pairs.unshift(hold)
+ end
+ def mother_fuckin_winner
+ scores = {}
+ @teams_pairs.each do |team|
+ scores[team] = team.matches.
+ where(:tournament_stage => tournament_stage).
+ collect{|match|match.winner==team}
+ end
+ weiner = scores.index(scores.max)
+ scores[weiner]
+ end
+ end