path: root/lib/sampling
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/sampling')
7 files changed, 467 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/sampling/ b/lib/sampling/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4b3fbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sampling/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+Sampling interface
+Files in this directory should be _classes_ implementing the following
+ - `self.works_with?(Game) => Boolean`
+ Returns whether or not this sampling method works with the
+ specified game.
+ - `self.can_get?(String setting_name) => Fixnum`
+ Returns whether or not this sampling method can get a specifed
+ statistic; 0 means 'false', positive integers mean 'true', where
+ higher numbers are higher priority.
+ - `self.uses_remote?() => Boolean`
+ Return whether or not this sampling method requires remote IDs for
+ users.
+ - `self.set_remote_name(User, Game, String)`
+ Set the remote ID for a user for the specified game. It is safe to
+ assume that this sampling method `works_with?` that game.
+ - `self.get_remote_name(Object)`
+ When given an object from `RemoteUsername#value`, give back a
+ human-readable/editable name to display
+ - `initialize(Match)`
+ Construct new Sampling object for the specified match.
+ - `start()`
+ Begin fetching the statistics.
+ - `render_user_interaction(User) => String`
+ Returns HTML to render on a page.
+ - `handle_user_interaction(User, Hash params)`
+ Handles params from the form generated by
+ `#user_interaction_render`.
diff --git a/lib/sampling/double_blind.rb.bak b/lib/sampling/double_blind.rb.bak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a30d57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sampling/double_blind.rb.bak
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+module Sampling
+ module DoubleBlind
+ def self.works_with?(game)
+ return true
+ end
+ def can_get?(setting_name)
+ return 1
+ end
+ def self.uses_remote?
+ return false
+ end
+ def self.set_remote_name(user, game, value)
+ raise "This sampling method doesn't use remote usernames."
+ end
+ def self.get_remote_name(value)
+ raise "This sampling method doesn't use remote usernames."
+ end
+ def self.sampling_start(match, statistics)
+ # TODO
+ end
+ def self.render_user_interaction(match, user)
+ # TODO
+ end
+ def self.handle_user_interaction(match, user, sampling_params)
+ # TODO
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/sampling/manual.html.erb b/lib/sampling/manual.html.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9dd2fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sampling/manual.html.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<% if @tournament.hosts.include? current_user %>
+ <input type="hidden" name="update_action" value="finish">
+ <% @match.teams.each do |team| %>
+ <%= tag :input, {"type" => "radio", "name" => "winner", "value" => "#{}" } %>
+ <%= "Team #{} Won" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <%= submit_tag("Finish match") %>
+ <%= @tournament.settings['ScoringMethod'] %>
+<% else %>
+ <p>The match is running; the host has yet to post the scores of the match.</p>
+<% end %> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/sampling/manual.rb b/lib/sampling/manual.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1787cb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sampling/manual.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+module Sampling
+ class Manual
+ def self.works_with?(game)
+ return true
+ end
+ def self.can_get?(setting_name)
+ return 1
+ end
+ def self.uses_remote?
+ return false
+ end
+ def self.set_remote_name(user, game, value)
+ raise "This sampling method doesn't use remote usernames."
+ end
+ def self.get_remote_name(value)
+ raise "This sampling method doesn't use remote usernames."
+ end
+ ####
+ def initialize(match)
+ @match = match
+ end
+ def start
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ def render_user_interaction(user)
+ @tournament = @match.tournament_stage.tournament
+ @current_user = user
+ @users = @match.users
+ @stats = @match.stats_from(self.class)
+ require 'erb'
+ erb_filename = File.join(__FILE__.sub(/\.rb$/, '.html.erb'))
+ erb =
+ erb.filename = erb_filename
+ return erb.result.html_safe
+ end
+ def handle_user_interaction(user, sampling_params)
+ # TODO
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/sampling/peer_review.html.erb b/lib/sampling/peer_review.html.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e744936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sampling/peer_review.html.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<% if @feedbacks_missing.include? @user %>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ function score_peers() {
+ var list = $('ol#peer_review_boxes');
+ for(var i=0, var len=list.length; i < len; i++) {
+ if ( i == len-1) {
+ comma = "";
+ }
+ $('peer_review').value += $('ol#peer_review_boxes:eq(' + i + ')').text() + comma;
+ }
+ }
+ </script>
+ <input type="hidden" id="peer_review" name="peer_review" value="" />
+ <ol id="peer_review_boxes" class="sortable">
+ <% @team.users.reject{|u|u==@user}.each do |user| %><li>
+ <%= user.user_name %>
+ <br>
+ <%# TODO: display more statistics %>
+ </li><% end %>
+ </ol>
+ <%= submit_tag("Submit peer evaluation", :onsubmit => "score_peers()") %>
+<% else %>
+ <p>Still waiting for peer feedback from the following users:
+ <ul><% @feedbacks_missing.each do |user| %>
+ <li><%= link_to user %></li>
+ <% end %></ul>
+ </p>
+<% end %>
diff --git a/lib/sampling/peer_review.rb b/lib/sampling/peer_review.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e86595f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sampling/peer_review.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+module Sampling
+ class PeerReview
+ def self.works_with?(game)
+ return true
+ end
+ def self.can_get?(setting_name)
+ return setting_name.start_with?("feedback_from_") ? 2 : 0
+ end
+ def self.uses_remote?
+ return false
+ end
+ def self.set_remote_name(user, game, value)
+ raise "This sampling method doesn't use remote usernames."
+ end
+ def self.get_remote_name(value)
+ raise "This sampling method doesn't use remote usernames."
+ end
+ ####
+ def initialize(match)
+ @match = match
+ end
+ def start
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ def render_user_interaction(user)
+ @user = user
+ @team = get_team(match)
+ @feedbacks_missing = get_feedbacks_missing(match)
+ require 'erb'
+ erb_filename = File.join(__FILE__.sub(/\.rb$/, '.html.erb'))
+ erb =
+ erb.filename = erb_filename
+ return erb.result.html_safe
+ end
+ def handle_user_interaction(reviewing_user, params)
+ i = 0
+ params[:peer_review].to_s.split(',').each do |user_name|
+ reviewed_user = User.find_by_user_name(user_name)
+ user.statistics.create(match: @match, value: i)
+ i += 1
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def self.get_users(match)
+ users = []
+ match.teams.each{|t| users.concat(t.users)}
+ return users
+ end
+ def self.get_team(match)
+ match.teams.find{|t|t.users.include?(@user)}
+ end
+ def self.get_feedbacks(match)
+ ret = {}
+ match.statistiscs.where("'name' LIKE 'feedback_from_%'").each do |statistic|
+ ret[statistic.user] ||= {}
+ ret[statistic.user][User.find_by_user_name(^feedback_from_/,''))] = statistic.value
+ end
+ return ret
+ end
+ def self.get_feedbacks_missing(match)
+ require 'set'
+ ret =
+ feedback = get_feedbacks(match)
+ users = get_users(match)
+ feedback.each do |feedback|
+ (users - feedback.keys).each do |user|
+ ret.add(user)
+ end
+ end
+ return ret
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/sampling/riot_api.rb b/lib/sampling/riot_api.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e14551
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sampling/riot_api.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+module Sampling
+ class RiotApi
+ protected
+ def self.api_name
+ ""
+ end
+ protected
+ def self.api_key
+ end
+ protected
+ def self.region
+ end
+ protected
+ def self.url(request, args={})
+ "{region}/#{request % args.merge(args){|k,v|url_escape(v)}}?#{api_key}"
+ end
+ protected
+ def self.url_escape(string)
+ URI::escape(string.to_s, /[^a-zA-Z0-9._~!$&'()*+,;=:@-]/)
+ end
+ protected
+ def self.standardize(summoner_name)
+ summoner_name.to_s.downcase.gsub(' ', '')
+ end
+ protected
+ def self.stats_available
+ ["win", "numDeaths", "turretsKilled", "championsKilled", "minionsKilled", "assists"]
+ end
+ protected
+ class Job < ThrottledApiRequest
+ def initialize(request, args={})
+ @url = Sampling::RiotApi::url(request, args)
+ super(api_name, 10.seconds, 10)
+ end
+ def perform
+ response = open(@url)
+ status = response.status
+ data = JSON::parse(
+ # Error codes that RIOT uses:
+ # "400"=>"Bad request"
+ # "401"=>"Unauthorized"
+ # "429"=>"Rate limit exceeded"
+ # "500"=>"Internal server error"
+ # "503"=>"Service unavailable"
+ # "404"=>"Not found"
+ # Should probably handle these better
+ if status[0] != "200"
+ raise "GET #{@url} => #{status.join(" ")}"
+ end
+ self.handle(data)
+ end
+ def handle(data)
+ end
+ end
+ ########################################################################
+ ##
+ # Return whether or not this sampling method works with the specified game.
+ # Spoiler: It only works with League of Legends (or subclasses of it).
+ public
+ def self.works_with?(game)
+ if api_key.nil? or region.nil?
+ return false
+ end
+ if == "League of Legends"
+ return true
+ end
+ unless game.parent.nil?
+ return works_with?(game.parent)
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return whether or not the API can get a given statistic for
+ # a given user.
+ public
+ def self.can_get?(stat)
+ if stats_available.include?(stat)
+ return 2
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # This sampling method uses remote IDs
+ public
+ def self.uses_remote?
+ return true
+ end
+ ##
+ # When given a summoner name for a user, figure out the summoner ID.
+ public
+ def self.set_remote_name(user, game, summoner_name)
+ Delayed::Job.enqueue(, game, summoner_name), :queue => api_name)
+ end
+ protected
+ class UsernameJob < Job
+ def initialize(user, game, summoner_name)
+ @user_id =
+ @game_id =
+ # Escape any funny stuff
+ summoner_names = [summoner_name].map{|name|Sampling::RiotApi::standardize(name.gsub(',',''))}
+ # Generate the request
+ super("v1.3/summoner/by-name/%{summonerNames}", { :summonerNames => summoner_names.join(",") })
+ end
+ def handle(data)
+ user = User.find(@user_id)
+ game = Game.find(@game_id)
+ standardized_summoner_name = data.keys.first
+ remote_data = {
+ :id => data[standardized_summoner_name]["id"],
+ :name => data[standardized_summoner_name]["name"],
+ }
+ user.set_remote_username(game, remote_data)
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # When given data from RemoteUsername#value, give back a readable name to display.
+ # Here, this is the summoner name.
+ public
+ def self.get_remote_name(data)
+ data["name"]
+ end
+ ####
+ public
+ def initialize(match)
+ @match = match
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fetch all the statistics for a match.
+ public
+ def start
+ @match.teams.each do |team|
+ team.users.each do |user|
+ Delayed::Job.enqueue(, @match, @match.stats_from(self.class), nil), :queue => api_name)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ protected
+ class FetchStatisticsJob < Job
+ def initialize(user, match, stats, last_game_id)
+ @user_id =
+ @match_id =
+ @stats = stats
+ @last_game_id = last_game_id
+ # Get the summoner id
+ summoner = user.get_remote_username(
+ # Generate the request
+ super("v1.3/game/by-summoner/%{summonerId}/recent", { :summonerId => summoner["id"] })
+ end
+ def handle(data)
+ user = User.find(@user_id)
+ match = Match.find(@match_id)
+ if @last_game_id.nil?
+ Delayed::Job.enqueue(, match, data["games"][0]["gameId"]), :queue => api_name)
+ else
+ if @last_game_id == data["games"][0]["gameId"]
+ # TODO: perhaps insert a delay here?
+ Delayed::Job.enqueue(, match, @last_game_id), :queue => api_name)
+ else
+ @stats.each do |stat|
+ Statistic.create(user: user, match: match, name: stat, value: data["games"][0]["stats"][stat])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ public
+ def render_user_interaction(user)
+ return ""
+ end
+ public
+ def handle_user_interaction(user)
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ end