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+title: "Team 6 - Project Leaguer: Sprint 1 Retrospective"
+author: [ Nathaniel Foy, Guntas Grewal, Tomer Kimia, Andrew Murrell, Luke Shumaker, Davis Webb ]
+# User Stories
+1) As an administrator, I would like to install and boot my own server.
+ - Alternately: As a developer, I would like a demo/testing server,
+ with a basic Rails setup.
+2) As a host/player, I would like to register and have an account.
+ - For this task, we will be creating the user registration and log
+ in capabilities for Leaguer.
+3) As a host, I would like to start a tournament.
+ - For this task, we will be creating a base tournament system for a
+ host to run.
+4) As a host/player, I would like to enter scores for players.
+ - For sprint own, the scores will be entered by hand.
+5) As an administrator, I want to specify how users become hosts.
+6) As a user I would like to see the progress of the tournament in my
+ browser.
+7) As a user, I would like a presentable homepage.
+ - For this task, we will be creating a Leaguer homepage and ensure that it
+ is pleasing to the eye and easy to navigate.
+# Tasks
+The "size" is using the modified Fibonacci scale. A '1' is expected
+to take less than an hour. A '3' is expected to take 3-6 hours. A
+'5' should take the better part of a day or two. An 8 should take
+several days.
+| Tasks Implemented and Working | Size | Person | US |
+| [Learn Rails, set up Scaffolding for all Models, Views, | 8 | All | 1 |
+| Controllers](#learn-rails) | | | |
+| [Deploy rails on Luke's server](#deploy-rails) | 3 | Luke | 1 |
+| [Create log-in system back-end (verification, cookies, | 5 | Davis | 2 |
+| and redirection)](#login-backend) | | | |
+| [Create log-in system UI](#login-ui) | 2 | Tomer | 2 |
+| [Create Tournament Settings Page](#tourney-settings) | 3 | Guntas | 3 |
+| [Implement Tournament Registration and Tournament | 2 | Andrew | 3 |
+| Controller](#tourney-registration) | | | |
+| [Implement match controller](#match-controller) | 3 | Dav+And| 4 |
+| [Implement permissions system over the users | 3 | Luke | 5 |
+| system](#permissions) | | | |
+| [Create View Tournament Page](#tourney-view) | 5 | All | 6 |
+| [Create Presentable Homepage](#homepage) | 5 | Guntas | 7 |
+| Tasks Implemented and Not Working Well | Size | Person | US |
+| [Design and implement match score models](#match-score) | 3 | Foy | 4 |
+| [Create Admin-level Server Management Page](#srv-man) | 2 | Luke | 5 |
+| Tasks Not Implemented | Size | Person | US |
+| [Design/Code Scoring/Pairing Algorithms and | 5 | Foy | 3 |
+| Procedures](#score-algo) | | | |
+| [Observe Foy Design/Code Scoring/Pairing | 2 | Dav+Foy| 3 |
+| Algorithms](#score-algo) | | | |
+| [Create a Player-level Data Entry Page/Method for | 3 | Tomer | 4 |
+| Results](#data-entry) | | | |
+# Implemented and working
+## Learn Rails {#learn-rails}
+Learning Rails has been a growing experience for the majority of the
+team. Some of us coming from no significant experience to being able
+to put together a relatively functional product in only three weeks
+has been an impressive journey.
+## Deploy Rails {#deploy-rails}
+The entire team became familiar with deploying Rails in our rather
+diverse working environments and successfully deployed a server
+instance located at as well as on our local boxes.
+## Login (back-end) {#login-backend}
+Our login back-end successfully logs users in and our and can handle
+user registrations and first-come-first-serve uniqueness validation.
+## Login (UI) {#login-ui}
+Our login user interface successfully differentiates between logged in
+and logged out users as well as between users of different
+designations (although for the demo some of the hooks were not in
+place, this has been fixed).
+## Tournament settings {#tourney-settings}
+Tournament settings were implemented at a basic level, instituting those
+items which are similar to all tournaments, regardless of type, orginating
+from the game model.
+## Tournament registration {#tourney-registration}
+Tournament registration and the tournament contoller were completed which
+allowed users to join and participate in basic tournaments of several types.
+The tournament controller handled a variety of tournament related tasks,
+including creating and updating tournaments and validating tournament related
+## Match controller {#match-controller}
+The Match Controller creates the separate matches for a specific tournament.
+When a tournament is started, it begins with an initial match that contains
+no players. Currently, a player must join a match by entering the specific
+tournament (by clicking the 'show' button on the tournament),
+then they must enter the match (again by clicking the 'show' button but this
+time on the match they desire to participate in) and then finally clicking
+the 'join' button. This updates the match with the user as a participant in
+the matc and then finally clicking the 'join' button. This updates the match
+with the user as a participant in the match. A match can also be destroyed
+by clicking the 'delete' button on the no longer desired match on the page.
+## Permissions system {#permissions}
+The permissions system is implemented, easy to use, and works well.
+In some places, it appears to be broken (overly-permisive), but this
+is because the relevant page doesn't hook into the permission system.
+This needs to be fixed with unit tests.
+## Tournament view {#tourney-view}
+The view page for tournaments contains a table that lists all on going
+tournaments for all types of games. It also lists other game attribute like
+Players per team, Teams per match, whether or not teams were randomized
+and also has links to Show, Edit, Destroy, Join a particular tournament.
+A link to create a tournament is also provided. Each of the links correspond
+to view pages which are html.erb pages that provide styles and functionality
+of each of the tournament setting features. Show, Edit, Destroy, all have
+views of their own to perform each of the above actions.
+## Homepage {#homepage}
+The homepage is mainly controlled by the views that are associated with each
+model and controller. The main view for the homepage is the one found in the
+layouts called application.html.erb, this view is responsible for display of
+all the headings, navigation bars, forms and containers. This view page
+contains mostly links to other view pages and yields whatever the other view
+pages have to offer. The Homepage redirects to Login, Signup, See Ongoing
+Tournaments and shows the view for those models.
+# Implemented but not working well
+## Match score models {#match-score}
+This only functioned properly for noting which team would win a match. We want
+more information to be included, such as individual player scores. We also
+only had it working where the tournament host would decide who won.
+## Server management {#srv-man}
+The server management software interface is implemented, and working
+fine. The other modules use it. However, what we didn't implement is
+an actual *page* to edit these settings. We had this task in the
+iteration because other items depended on it. Though we did not
+implement the full story, we implemented the core reason that we
+wanted it.
+# Not implemented
+## Scoring Algorithms {#score-algo}
+Scoring algorithms was not implemented because we did not have time for
+implementing player statistics in the first sprint. There were some
+preliminary approaches, but the task lost priority and was abandoned.
+## Data entry {#data-entry}
+It was decided to not be a priority for sprint one due to time constraints.
+Also, we want to implement data entry for League of Legends through
+Riot Games (TM)'s API for grabbing match data.
+# How to improve
+Peer reviews and testing were our biggest pitfalls.
+1. All testing was just manual, in-browser testing, rather than unit
+ tests. We really need write unit tests this iteration, as we had
+ breakages where we said "this is exactly why we need unit
+ testing." However, that happened late enough in the iteration that
+ we didn't have time to do anything about it.
+2. That leads us into time management. Our commit activity plotted
+ against time has humps each weak, each growing a little. That is,
+ we started slow, and ended with a lot of work. This wasn't exactly
+ poor planing, but we had a poor idea of how much time things would
+ take. We plan to fix this by front-loading this iteration instead
+ of back-loading it.
+3. We had the approach of "show everyone everything" with peer
+ reviews, as we anticipated that this would be nescessary for
+ everyone learning Rails. However, in effect it meant that
+ sometimes information was spread very thin, or because things were
+ being done "in the open", we didn't ever explicitly review them.
+ We plan on fixing this next iteration by committing to do very
+ specific peer reviews with just a couple members of the team.
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+title: "Team 6 - Project Leaguer: Sprint 2"
+author: [ Nathaniel Foy, Guntas Grewal, Tomer Kimia, Andrew Murrell, Luke Shumaker, Davis Webb ]
+# User Stories
+1) As an admin, I would like hosts/players, to have only the options
+ their group entitles them to.
+2) As an admin, I would like anti-spam measures for registration.
+3) As a player I would like to review my peers and have our
+ scores reflect these reviews.
+4) As a host I would like to have both game-type specific settings and
+ tournament specific preferences available when creating a new
+ tournament.
+ - These settings and preferences were moved to sprint 2 from sprint 1
+ because we did not have the API functionality for any specific game yet.
+5) As a host/player/spectator I would like to have Riot Games League
+ of Legends API integration for match and player statistics and results for
+ League of Legends tournaments.
+6) As a host/player, I would like my pages to actively update without
+ refreshing my current page.
+ - For this task, we will implement an Active Status Update system with AJAX.
+7) As a host/player, I would like to see an interactive tournament lobby page
+ that displays tournament and match information.
+ - This will be accomplished with dynamic graphs, trees, and status bars.
+8) As a host/player, I would like the Leaguer application to be more intuitive
+ and easy to use.
+9) As a user, I would like past tournament and player information to be
+ persistent and search-able.
+ - A working search utility should be implemented that will find specific
+ players or tournaments and return their pages.
+10) As a user, I would like to see Player Profile pages.
+ - For this task, we will be creating profile pages for registered users that
+ have player-specific information such as tournament history and activity.
+# Tasks
+The "size" is using the modified Fibonacci scale. A '1' is expected
+to take less than an hour. A '3' is expected to take 3-6 hours. A
+'5' should take the better part of a day or two. An 8 should take
+several days.
+| Task Description | Size | Person\* | US |
+| Define Specific Unit Tests for Security | 3 | All | 1 |
+| Implement Anti-spam measures | 2 | Davis | 2 |
+| Email Verification Option | 5 | Luke | 2 |
+| Implement Teammate Rating System (peer review view) | 5 | Guntas | 3 |
+| Design/Code Scoring/Pairing Algorithms and Procedures | 5 | D+F+A | 3 |
+| Implement game-type specific and tournament | 8 | L+A+G | 4 |
+| specific settings and preferences | | | |
+| Retrieve data from Riot Games (TM) API | 3 | Foy | 5 |
+| Parse Riot data and attach to scoring subsystem | 5 | Davis | 5 |
+| Teach Andrew and Tomer AJAX | 2 | Luke | 6 |
+| Make pages auto-update with AJAX | 5 | T+A | 6 |
+| Setting up a Tournament View for matches and tree | 5 | Tomer | 7 |
+| Increase Usability | 3 | All-L | 8 |
+| Project Leaguer Logo | spike| D+G | 8 |
+| Develop comprehensive data storage for s&p&other | 5 | L+A | 9 |
+| Create Player Profile Pages | 2 | Tomer | 10 |
+| Gravitar Integration | 2 | Foy | 10 |
+| Test it | 1 | All-L | all|
+| Peer review | 1 | All | all|
+Total Size of Iteration: 55
+ D = Davis = 10
+ A = Andrew = 10
+ F = Nathaniel = 10
+ G = Guntas = 10
+ L = Luke = 11
+ T = Tomer = 10
+\* `+` means those members work together, `-` means exclude following members