path: root/app/controllers/matches_controller.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/controllers/matches_controller.rb')
1 files changed, 265 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/app/controllers/matches_controller.rb b/app/controllers/matches_controller.rb
index b1162ef..138cf28 100644
--- a/app/controllers/matches_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/matches_controller.rb
@@ -1,74 +1,298 @@
class MatchesController < ApplicationController
- before_action :set_match, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]
+ require 'httparty'
+ require 'json'
+ require 'delayed_job'
- # GET /matches
- # GET /matches.json
+ before_action :set_tournament, only: [:index]
+ # GET /tournaments/1/matches
+ # GET /tournaments/1/matches.json
def index
- @matches = Match.all
- # GET /matches/1
- # GET /matches/1.json
- def show
+ # For compatability with the router assumptions made by ApplicationController#check_permission
+ def matches_url
+ set_tournament
+ tournament_matches_path(@tournament)
- # GET /matches/new
- def new
- @match =
- end
+ def get_riot
+ players_id =
+ players =
- # GET /matches/1/edit
- def edit
- end
+ @match.teams.each do |team|
+ team.users.each do |user|
+ players_id.push(user.remote_usernames[0].value["id"])
+ players.push(user.remote_usernames[0].value["name"])
+ end
+ end
+ recent = HTTParty.get("{players_id[0]}/recent?api_key=ad539f86-22fd-474d-9279-79a7a296ac38")
+ blue =
+ purple =
- # POST /matches
- # POST /matches.json
- def create
- @match =
+ for i in 0..8
+ current_player = players_id[i]
+ place = players[i]
+ info = HTTParty.get("{current_player}/recent?api_key=ad539f86-22fd-474d-9279-79a7a296ac38")
- respond_to do |format|
- if
- format.html { redirect_to @match, notice: 'Match was successfully created.' }
- format.json { render action: 'show', status: :created, location: @match }
+ if 100 == info["games"][0]["stats"]["team"]
+ blue.merge!("#{place}" => info["games"][0]["stats"])
- format.html { render action: 'new' }
- format.json { render json: @match.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
+ purple.merge!("#{place}" => info["games"][0]["stats"])
+ sleep(1)
+ #look into this glitch
+ if 100 == recent["games"][0]["stats"]["team"]
+ blue.merge!("#{players[9]}" => recent["games"][0]["stats"])
+ else
+ purple.merge!("#{players[9]}" => recent["games"][0]["stats"])
+ end
+ @purp = purple
+ @blue = blue
- # PATCH/PUT /matches/1
- # PATCH/PUT /matches/1.json
- def update
- respond_to do |format|
- if @match.update(match_params)
- format.html { redirect_to @match, notice: 'Match was successfully updated.' }
- format.json { head :no_content }
+ def get_riot_info_fake
+ pull = "Kaceytron"
+ #current user information
+ response = HTTParty.get("{pull.downcase}?api_key=ad539f86-22fd-474d-9279-79a7a296ac38")
+ id = response["#{pull.downcase}"]['id']
+ #recent game information
+ recent = HTTParty.get("{response["#{pull.downcase}"]['id']}/recent?api_key=ad539f86-22fd-474d-9279-79a7a296ac38")
+ game_id = recent["games"][0]["gameId"]
+ #members of most recent game id's
+ player1 = recent["games"][0]["fellowPlayers"][0]["summonerId"]
+ player2 = recent["games"][0]["fellowPlayers"][1]["summonerId"]
+ player3 = recent["games"][0]["fellowPlayers"][2]["summonerId"]
+ player4 = recent["games"][0]["fellowPlayers"][3]["summonerId"]
+ player5 = recent["games"][0]["fellowPlayers"][4]["summonerId"]
+ player6 = recent["games"][0]["fellowPlayers"][5]["summonerId"]
+ player7 = recent["games"][0]["fellowPlayers"][6]["summonerId"]
+ player8 = recent["games"][0]["fellowPlayers"][7]["summonerId"]
+ player9 = recent["games"][0]["fellowPlayers"][8]["summonerId"]
+ players_by_id = [player1, player2, player3, player4, player5, player6, player7, player8, player9]
+ #collect summoner names
+ memb1 = HTTParty.get("{player1}/name?api_key=ad539f86-22fd-474d-9279-79a7a296ac38")
+ memb1 = memb1["#{player1}"]
+ sleep(1);
+ memb2 = HTTParty.get("{player2}/name?api_key=ad539f86-22fd-474d-9279-79a7a296ac38")
+ memb2 = memb2["#{player2}"]
+ sleep(1);
+ memb3 = HTTParty.get("{player3}/name?api_key=ad539f86-22fd-474d-9279-79a7a296ac38")
+ memb3 = memb3["#{player3}"]
+ sleep(1);
+ memb4 = HTTParty.get("{player4}/name?api_key=ad539f86-22fd-474d-9279-79a7a296ac38")
+ memb4 = memb4["#{player4}"]
+ sleep(1);
+ memb5 = HTTParty.get("{player5}/name?api_key=ad539f86-22fd-474d-9279-79a7a296ac38")
+ memb5 = memb5["#{player5}"]
+ sleep(1);
+ memb6 = HTTParty.get("{player6}/name?api_key=ad539f86-22fd-474d-9279-79a7a296ac38")
+ memb6 = memb6["#{player6}"]
+ sleep(1);
+ memb7 = HTTParty.get("{player7}/name?api_key=ad539f86-22fd-474d-9279-79a7a296ac38")
+ memb7 = memb7["#{player7}"]
+ sleep(1);
+ memb8 = HTTParty.get("{player8}/name?api_key=ad539f86-22fd-474d-9279-79a7a296ac38")
+ memb8 = memb8["#{player8}"]
+ sleep(1);
+ memb9 = HTTParty.get("{player9}/name?api_key=ad539f86-22fd-474d-9279-79a7a296ac38")
+ memb9 = memb9["#{player9}"]
+ sleep(1);
+ memb10 = HTTParty.get("{id}/name?api_key=ad539f86-22fd-474d-9279-79a7a296ac38")
+ memb10 = memb10["#{id}"]
+ players = ["#{memb1}", "#{memb2}", "#{memb3}", "#{memb4}", "#{memb5}", "#{memb6}", "#{memb7}", "#{memb8}", "#{memb9}", "#{memb10}"]
+ sleep(5);
+ blue =
+ purple =
+ for i in 0..8
+ current_player = players_by_id[i]
+ place = players[i]
+ info = HTTParty.get("{current_player}/recent?api_key=ad539f86-22fd-474d-9279-79a7a296ac38")
+ if 100 == info["games"][0]["stats"]["team"]
+ blue.merge!("#{place}" => info["games"][0]["stats"])
- format.html { render action: 'edit' }
- format.json { render json: @match.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
+ purple.merge!("#{place}" => info["games"][0]["stats"])
+ sleep(1)
+ end
+ if 100 == recent["games"][0]["stats"]["team"]
+ blue.merge!("#{players[9]}" => recent["games"][0]["stats"])
+ else
+ purple.merge!("#{players[9]}" => recent["games"][0]["stats"])
+ end
+ @purp = purple
+ @blue = blue
+ end #end def
+ # GET /tournaments/1/matches/1
+ # GET /tournaments/1/matches/1.json
+ def show
+ if @match.tournament_stage.tournament.game_id == 1
+ file_blue = "blue.yaml"
+ file_purple = "purple.yaml"
+ @blue2 = YAML.load_file(file_blue)
+ @purp2 = YAML.load_file(file_purple)
- # DELETE /matches/1
- # DELETE /matches/1.json
- def destroy
- @match.destroy
- respond_to do |format|
- format.html { redirect_to matches_url }
- format.json { head :no_content }
+ # PATCH/PUT /tournaments/1/matches/1
+ # PATCH/PUT /tournaments/1/matches/1.json
+ def update
+ case params[:update_action]
+ when "start"
+ @match.status = 1
+ respond_to do |format|
+ if
+ format.html { redirect_to tournament_match_path(@tournament, @match), notice: 'Match has started.' }
+ format.json { head :no_content }
+ else
+ format.html { redirect_to @tournament, notice: "You don't have permission to start this match." }
+ format.json { render json: "Permission denied", status: :forbidden }
+ end
+ end
+ when "finish"
+ #make this use the statistics interface for scoring and ScoringAlgorithms
+ # Individual scores
+ scores = params["scores"]
+ scores.each do |user_name, score|
+ Statistic.create(user: User.find_by_user_name(user_name), match: @match, name: "score", value: score.to_i)
+ end
+ # Team scores (processing for manual)
+ team_scores = {}
+ @match.teams.each do |team|
+ team_scores[team] = 0
+ team.users.each do |user|
+ team_scores[team] += scores[user.user_name].to_i
+ end
+ end
+ teams = team_scores.invert
+ @match.winner = teams[teams.keys.sort.last]
+ # Schedule next match
+ #cur_match_num = @tournament.matches_ordered.invert[@match]
+ #unless cur_match_num == 1
+ # @match.winner.matches.push(@tournament.matches_ordered[cur_match_num/2])
+ #end
+ # Skip peer evaluation if there aren't enough players per team
+ peer = false
+ @match.teams.each do |team|
+ if team.users.count > 2
+ peer = true
+ end
+ end
+ @match.status = peer ? 2 : 3
+ respond_to do |format|
+ if
+ format.html { redirect_to tournament_match_path(@tournament, @match), notice: 'Peer evaluation started.' }
+ format.json { head :no_content }
+ else
+ format.html { redirect_to @tournament, notice: "You don't have permission to start this match." }
+ format.json { render json: "Permission denied", status: :forbidden }
+ end
+ end
+ when "peer"
+ order = params[:review_action]
+ base_score = 2
+ next_score = 3
+ order.split(",").reverse.each do |elem|
+ player_score = base_score
+ if @match.winner.user.include?(@current_user)
+ player_score += 10
+ else
+ player_score += 7
+ end
+ Score.create(user: elem, match: @match, value: player_score )
+ base_score = next_score
+ next_score += base_score
+ end
+ @match.submitted_peer_evaluations += 1
+ players = []; @match.teams.each{|t| players.concat(t.users.all)}
+ if (@match.submitted_peer_evaluations == players.count)
+ @match.status = 3
+ end
+ respond_to do |format|
+ if
+ format.html { redirect_to tournament_match_path(@tournament, @match), notice: 'Scores Submitted' }
+ format.json { head :no_content }
+ else
+ format.html { redirect_to @tournament, notice: "You don't have permission to start this match." }
+ format.json { render json: "Permission denied", status: :forbidden }
+ end
+ end
+ when "reset"
+ @match.status = 0
+ respond_to do |format|
+ if
+ format.html { redirect_to tournament_match_path(@tournament, @match), notice: 'Match Status Reset to 0' }
+ format.json { head :no_content }
+ else
+ format.html { redirect_to @tournament, notice: "You don't have permission to start this match." }
+ format.json { render json: "Permission denied", status: :forbidden }
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html { redirect_to @tournament, notice: "Invalid action", status: :unprocessable_entity }
+ format.json { render json: @tournament.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
+ end
# Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions.
def set_match
@match = Match.find(params[:id])
+ @tournament = @match.tournament_stage.tournament
+ end
+ def set_tournament
+ @tournament = Tournament.find(params[:tournament_id])
# Never trust parameters from the scary internet, only allow the white list through.
def match_params
- params.require(:match).permit(:status, :tournament_stage_id, :winner_id, :remote_id, :submitted_peer_evaluations)
+ params.require(:match).permit(:status, :tournament_stage_id, :winner_id, :remote_id, :submitted_peer_evaluations, :update_action)
+ end
+ # Turn of check_edit, since our #update is flexible
+ def check_edit
+ set_match