Copyright (C) 2023  Luke Shumaker <lukeshu@lukeshu.com>

SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later

# lowmemjson/compat/json

`lowmemjson/compat/json` is a wrapper around [`lowmemjson`][] that is
a (mostly) drop-in replacement for the standard library's

This package does not bother to duplicate `encoding/json`'s
documentation; you should instead refer to [`encoding/json`'s own

## Incompatibilities

### Tokens

Because the `lowmemjson` parser is fundamentally different than the
`encoding/json` parser and does not have any notion of tokens, the
token API is not included in `lowmemjson/compat/json`:

 - There is no [`Delim`][] type.
 - There is no [`Token`][] type.
 - There is no [`Decoder.Token`][] method.

### Types

When possible, `lowmemjson/compat/json` uses type aliases for the
`encoding/json` types, but in several cases that is not possible
(`Encoder`, `Decoder`, `SyntaxError`, `MarshalError`).  This means
that while `lowmemjson/compat/json` is source-compatible with
`encoding/json`, it may not interoperate with code that also uses
`encoding/json` and relies on those type identities.

The errors returned by the various functions *are* the same errors as
returned by `encoding/json` (with the exception that `SyntaxError` and
`MarshalError` are not type aliases).

### Deprecations

Types that are deprecated in `encoding/json` are not mimiced here:

 - There is no [`InvalidUTF8Error`][] type, as it has been depricated
   since Go 1.2.
 - There is no [`UnmarshalFieldError`][] type, as it has been
   depricated since Go 1.1.

<!-- packages -->
[`lowmemjson`]: https://pkg.go.dev/git.lukeshu.com/go/lowmemjson
[`encoding/json`]: https://pkg.go.dev/encoding/json@go1.18

<!-- symbols -->
[`Delim`]: https://pkg.go.dev/encoding/json@go1.18#Delim
[`Token`]: https://pkg.go.dev/encoding/json@go1.18#Token
[`Decoder.Token`]: https://pkg.go.dev/encoding/json@go1.18#Decoder.Token
[`InvalidUTF8Error`]: https://pkg.go.dev/encoding/json@go1.18#InvalidUTF8Error
[`UnmarshalFieldError`]: https://pkg.go.dev/encoding/json@go1.18#UnmarshalFieldError