# Defualt to ignoring all files * # Except dotfiles !.* !.*/* !.*/*/* !.*/*/*/* !.*/*/*/*/* !.*/*/*/*/*/* !.*/*/*/*/*/*/* !.*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* !.*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* !.*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* !.*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* !.*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* # Or Makefile !Makefile # Ignore these for privacy .ssh/* !.ssh/config .gnupg/* !.gnupg/gpg.conf .netrc # Ignore temp/log/history files *.log log* *cache* *.tmp *.tmp.* tmp.* tmp-* tmp *.lock *.state *~ .#* \#*# .~lock.*# *_history *_hist history.* *authority *.cookie *.bak # Ignore these special-purpose cache/temp files .camel_certs .compiz/session/* .config/chromium/Default/History\ Index* .current.asound .dbus/session-bus/* .ddd/history .dvdcss .esd_auth .eshell/history .evolution/.* .gconfd/saved_state .gnash-media .gnash/SharedObjects/* .kde/share/apps/RecentDocuments/* .kde/socket-* .kde4/share/apps/RecentDocuments/* .kde4/share/apps/okular/docdata/* .kde4/socket-* .lesshst .links2/links.his .local/share/Trash/* .local/share/gvfs-metadata/* .local/share/icons/* .local/share/recently-used.xbel .pki .pulse .pulse-cookie .recently-used.xbel* .shotwell/thumbs/* .sudo_as_admin_successful .thumbnails/* .xsession-errors* # Ignore files that are autogenerated .folders .nanorc .config/libretools/blacklist.txt # Ignore these files for no good reason .terminfo .config/vlc/vlc-qt-interface.conf .wine* .offlineimap .bogofilter .config/Trolltech.conf .gem # Ignore these files that if I tracked them, would be a separate repo .config/libreoffice .config/transmission .eclipse .mozilla .netbeans