
# Added shell features                                                         #

# Usage: dquote STRING
# Safely double-quotes a string.
# It escapes ways to execute code, but not variables.
dquote() {
	local str=$1
	str="${str//\\/\\\\}" # backslash
	str="${str//\"/\\\"}" # dquote
	str="${str//\$(/\\\$(}" # $(...)
	str="${str//\`/\\\`}" # backtick
	printf '"%s"\n' "$str"

# Usage: expand_variables
# Expands variables read from /dev/stdin
expand_variables() (
	while read -r line; do
		eval printf "'%s\n'" "$(dquote "$line")"

is_mounted() {
	local dir="$(readlink -m $1)"
	local mntpnt="$(cut -d' ' -f2 /proc/mounts|grep -Fx -- "$dir")"
	[[ $dir = "$mntpnt" ]]

# PATH manipulation                                                            #

# Usage: path_ls PATH
# List executables in PATH (PATH is delimited by `:')
path_ls() {
	local dirs
	IFS=: dirs=($@)
	find -L "${dirs[@]}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -executable -printf '%f\n' 2>/dev/null | sort -u

# Usage: path_which PATH PROGRAM
# Find the full path of PROGRAM by searching PATH
path_which() {
	local mypath=$1
	local prog=$2
	local which=$(which which)
	PATH="$mypath" "$which" -- "$prog" 2>/dev/null

# wmii convenience functions                                                   #

# Usage: lstags
# Lists wmii tags
lstags() {
	ls "$WMII_DIR/tag" | sed -e 's,/$,,' -e '/^sel$/d'

# X11 functions                                                                #

# Usage: connected_to_x_server
# Return status indicates whether there is an X server at $DISPLAY
connected_to_x_server() {
	xdpyinfo &>/dev/null

# My wmii configuration                                                        #

# Usage: scansection SECTION
# Reads the doc comments from a section of wmiirc.
scansection() {
	local sec=$1

	local file=$(conffile config.sh)
	# Isolate the section we want.
	< "$file" sed -n "/^\s*$sec\s*()/,/^}/{ /##/p }" |
	# Parse each line.
	while read -r line; do
		symbol="$(sed -nr 's/^\s*(.*)\)\s*##.*/\1/p' <<<"$line")"
		comment="$(sed -r 's/.*## ?//' <<<"$line")"
		if [ -z "$symbol" ]; then
			printf '%s\n' "$comment"
			printf '\t%s\t%s\n' "$(expand_variables <<<"$symbol")" "$comment"

# Usage: conffile FILE
conffile() {
	echo "$HOME/.wmii-hg/$1"