set mainfont {Helvetica 9}
set curidfont {Helvetica 9 bold italic underline}
set textfont {Courier 9}
set findmergefiles 0
set gaudydiff 0
set maxgraphpct 50
set maxwidth 16
set geometry(width) 1364
set geometry(height) 690
set geometry(canv1) 321
set geometry(canv2) 66
set geometry(canv3) 947
set geometry(canvh) 256
set geometry(ctextw) 90
set geometry(cflistw) 84
# main window position:
set posx 1
set posy 61
# authorcolors format:
# zero or more sublists of
#    { regex color }
# followed by a list of colors
# If the commit author matches a regex in a sublist,
# the commit will be colored by that color
# otherwise the next unused entry from the list of colors
# will be assigned to this commit and also all other commits
# of the same author.  When the list of colors is exhausted,
# the last entry will be reused.
set authorcolors {
    black blue deeppink mediumorchid blue burlywood4 goldenrod slateblue red2 navy dimgrey
# The background color in the text windows
set bgcolor white
# The text color used in the diff and file list view
set fgcolor black
# Color to display + lines in diffs
set diffaddcolor #00a000
# Color to display - lines in diffs
set diffremcolor red
# Merge diffs: Color to signal lines from first parent
set diffmerge1color red
# Merge diffs: Color to signal lines from second parent
set diffmerge2color blue
# Hunkseparator (@@ -lineno,lines +lineno,lines @@) color
set hunksepcolor blue