path: root/.config/subversion
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.config/subversion')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 328 deletions
diff --git a/.config/subversion/README.txt b/.config/subversion/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b78e5e..0000000
--- a/.config/subversion/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-This directory holds run-time configuration information for Subversion
-clients. The configuration files all share the same syntax, but you
-should examine a particular file to learn what configuration
-directives are valid for that file.
-The syntax is standard INI format:
- - Empty lines, and lines starting with '#', are ignored.
- The first significant line in a file must be a section header.
- - A section starts with a section header, which must start in
- the first column:
- [section-name]
- - An option, which must always appear within a section, is a pair
- (name, value). There are two valid forms for defining an
- option, both of which must start in the first column:
- name: value
- name = value
- Whitespace around the separator (:, =) is optional.
- - Section and option names are case-insensitive, but case is
- preserved.
- - An option's value may be broken into several lines. The value
- continuation lines must start with at least one whitespace.
- Trailing whitespace in the previous line, the newline character
- and the leading whitespace in the continuation line is compressed
- into a single space character.
- - All leading and trailing whitespace around a value is trimmed,
- but the whitespace within a value is preserved, with the
- exception of whitespace around line continuations, as
- described above.
- - When a value is a boolean, any of the following strings are
- recognised as truth values (case does not matter):
- true false
- yes no
- on off
- 1 0
- - When a value is a list, it is comma-separated. Again, the
- whitespace around each element of the list is trimmed.
- - Option values may be expanded within a value by enclosing the
- option name in parentheses, preceded by a percent sign and
- followed by an 's':
- %(name)s
- The expansion is performed recursively and on demand, during
- svn_option_get. The name is first searched for in the same
- section, then in the special [DEFAULT] section. If the name
- is not found, the whole '%(name)s' placeholder is left
- unchanged.
- Any modifications to the configuration data invalidate all
- previously expanded values, so that the next svn_option_get
- will take the modifications into account.
-The syntax of the configuration files is a subset of the one used by
-Python's ConfigParser module; see
-Configuration data in the Windows registry
-On Windows, configuration data may also be stored in the registry. The
-functions svn_config_read and svn_config_merge will read from the
-registry when passed file names of the form:
- REGISTRY:<hive>/path/to/config-key
-The REGISTRY: prefix must be in upper case. The <hive> part must be
-one of:
-The values in config-key represent the options in the [DEFAULT] section.
-The keys below config-key represent other sections, and their values
-represent the options. Only values of type REG_SZ whose name doesn't
-start with a '#' will be used; other values, as well as the keys'
-default values, will be ignored.
-File locations
-Typically, Subversion uses two config directories, one for site-wide
- Unix:
- /etc/subversion/servers
- /etc/subversion/config
- /etc/subversion/hairstyles
- Windows:
- %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Subversion\servers
- %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Subversion\config
- %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Subversion\hairstyles
- REGISTRY:HKLM\Software\\Subversion\Servers
- REGISTRY:HKLM\Software\\Subversion\Config
- REGISTRY:HKLM\Software\\Subversion\Hairstyles
-and one for per-user configuration:
- Unix:
- ~/.subversion/servers
- ~/.subversion/config
- ~/.subversion/hairstyles
- Windows:
- %APPDATA%\Subversion\servers
- %APPDATA%\Subversion\config
- %APPDATA%\Subversion\hairstyles
- REGISTRY:HKCU\Software\\Subversion\Servers
- REGISTRY:HKCU\Software\\Subversion\Config
- REGISTRY:HKCU\Software\\Subversion\Hairstyles
diff --git a/.config/subversion/config b/.config/subversion/config
deleted file mode 100644
index c35bbf1..0000000
--- a/.config/subversion/config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-### This file configures various client-side behaviors.
-### The commented-out examples below are intended to demonstrate
-### how to use this file.
-### Section for authentication and authorization customizations.
-### Set store-passwords to 'no' to avoid storing passwords in the
-### auth/ area of your config directory. It defaults to 'yes'.
-### Note that this option only prevents saving of *new* passwords;
-### it doesn't invalidate existing passwords. (To do that, remove
-### the cache files by hand as described in the Subversion book.)
-# store-passwords = no
-### Set store-auth-creds to 'no' to avoid storing any subversion
-### credentials in the auth/ area of your config directory.
-### It defaults to 'yes'. Note that this option only prevents
-### saving of *new* credentials; it doesn't invalidate existing
-### caches. (To do that, remove the cache files by hand.)
-# store-auth-creds = no
-### Section for configuring external helper applications.
-### Set editor to the command used to invoke your text editor.
-### This will override the environment variables that Subversion
-### examines by default to find this information ($EDITOR,
-### et al).
-# editor-cmd = editor (vi, emacs, notepad, etc.)
-### Set diff-cmd to the absolute path of your 'diff' program.
-### This will override the compile-time default, which is to use
-### Subversion's internal diff implementation.
-# diff-cmd = diff_program (diff, gdiff, etc.)
-### Set diff3-cmd to the absolute path of your 'diff3' program.
-### This will override the compile-time default, which is to use
-### Subversion's internal diff3 implementation.
-# diff3-cmd = diff3_program (diff3, gdiff3, etc.)
-### Set diff3-has-program-arg to 'true' or 'yes' if your 'diff3'
-### program accepts the '--diff-program' option.
-# diff3-has-program-arg = [true | false]
-### Set merge-tool-cmd to the command used to invoke your external
-### merging tool of choice. Subversion will pass 4 arguments to
-### the specified command: base theirs mine merged
-# merge-tool-cmd = merge_command
-### Section for configuring tunnel agents.
-### Configure svn protocol tunnel schemes here. By default, only
-### the 'ssh' scheme is defined. You can define other schemes to
-### be used with 'svn+scheme://hostname/path' URLs. A scheme
-### definition is simply a command, optionally prefixed by an
-### environment variable name which can override the command if it
-### is defined. The command (or environment variable) may contain
-### arguments, using standard shell quoting for arguments with
-### spaces. The command will be invoked as:
-### <command> <hostname> svnserve -t
-### (If the URL includes a username, then the hostname will be
-### passed to the tunnel agent as <user>@<hostname>.) Here we
-### redefine the built-in 'ssh' scheme to avoid an unfortunate
-### interaction with the "ControlMaster auto" feature (for
-### details, see Debian Bug #413102):
-ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -o ControlMaster=no
-### If you wanted to define a new 'rsh' scheme, to be used with
-### 'svn+rsh:' URLs, you could do so as follows:
-# rsh = rsh
-### Or, if you wanted to specify a full path and arguments:
-# rsh = /path/to/rsh -l myusername
-### On Windows, if you are specifying a full path to a command,
-### use a forward slash (/) or a paired backslash (\\) as the
-### path separator. A single backslash will be treated as an
-### escape for the following character.
-### Section for configuring miscelleneous Subversion options.
-### Set global-ignores to a set of whitespace-delimited globs
-### which Subversion will ignore in its 'status' output, and
-### while importing or adding files and directories.
-### '*' matches leading dots, e.g. '*.rej' matches '.foo.rej'.
-# global-ignores = *.o *.lo *.la *.al .libs *.so *.so.[0-9]* *.a *.pyc *.pyo
-# *.rej *~ #*# .#* .*.swp .DS_Store
-### Set log-encoding to the default encoding for log messages
-# log-encoding = latin1
-### Set use-commit-times to make checkout/update/switch/revert
-### put last-committed timestamps on every file touched.
-# use-commit-times = yes
-### Set no-unlock to prevent 'svn commit' from automatically
-### releasing locks on files.
-# no-unlock = yes
-### Set mime-types-file to a MIME type registry file, used to
-### provide hints to Subversion's MIME type auto-detection
-### algorithm.
-# mime-types-file = /path/to/mime.types
-### Set preserved-conflict-file-exts to a whitespace-delimited
-### list of patterns matching file extensions which should be
-### preserved in generated conflict file names. By default,
-### conflict files use custom extensions.
-# preserved-conflict-file-exts = doc ppt xls od?
-### Set enable-auto-props to 'yes' to enable automatic properties
-### for 'svn add' and 'svn import', it defaults to 'no'.
-### Automatic properties are defined in the section 'auto-props'.
-# enable-auto-props = yes
-### Set interactive-conflicts to 'no' to disable interactive
-### conflict resolution prompting. It defaults to 'yes'.
-# interactive-conflicts = no
-### Section for configuring automatic properties.
-### The format of the entries is:
-### file-name-pattern = propname[=value][;propname[=value]...]
-### The file-name-pattern can contain wildcards (such as '*' and
-### '?'). All entries which match (case-insensitively) will be
-### applied to the file. Note that auto-props functionality
-### must be enabled, which is typically done by setting the
-### 'enable-auto-props' option.
-# *.c = svn:eol-style=native
-# *.cpp = svn:eol-style=native
-# *.h = svn:eol-style=native
-# *.dsp = svn:eol-style=CRLF
-# *.dsw = svn:eol-style=CRLF
-# *.sh = svn:eol-style=native;svn:executable
-# *.txt = svn:eol-style=native
-# *.png = svn:mime-type=image/png
-# *.jpg = svn:mime-type=image/jpeg
-# Makefile = svn:eol-style=native
diff --git a/.config/subversion/servers b/.config/subversion/servers
deleted file mode 100644
index 28e2d6f..0000000
--- a/.config/subversion/servers
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-### This file specifies server-specific protocol parameters,
-### including HTTP proxy information, and HTTP timeout settings.
-### The currently defined server options are:
-### http-proxy-host Proxy host for HTTP connection
-### http-proxy-port Port number of proxy host service
-### http-proxy-username Username for auth to proxy service
-### http-proxy-password Password for auth to proxy service
-### http-proxy-exceptions List of sites that do not use proxy
-### http-timeout Timeout for HTTP requests in seconds
-### http-compression Whether to compress HTTP requests
-### neon-debug-mask Debug mask for Neon HTTP library
-### http-auth-types Auth types to use for HTTP library
-### ssl-authority-files List of files, each of a trusted CAs
-### ssl-trust-default-ca Trust the system 'default' CAs
-### ssl-client-cert-file PKCS#12 format client certificate file
-### ssl-client-cert-password Client Key password, if needed.
-### ssl-pkcs11-provider Name of PKCS#11 provider to use.
-### http-library Which library to use for http/https
-### connections (neon or serf)
-### HTTP timeouts, if given, are specified in seconds. A timeout
-### of 0, i.e. zero, causes a builtin default to be used.
-### The commented-out examples below are intended only to
-### demonstrate how to use this file; any resemblance to actual
-### servers, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
-### In this section, the URL of the repository you're trying to
-### access is matched against the patterns on the right. If a
-### match is found, the server info is from the section with the
-### corresponding name.
-# group1 = *
-# othergroup =
-# thirdgroup = *
-### Information for the first group:
-# [group1]
-# http-proxy-host =
-# http-proxy-port = 80
-# http-proxy-username = blah
-# http-proxy-password = doubleblah
-# http-timeout = 60
-# http-auth-types = basic;digest;negotiate
-# neon-debug-mask = 130
-### Information for the second group:
-# [othergroup]
-# http-proxy-host =
-# http-proxy-port = 9000
-# No username and password, so use the defaults below.
-### You can set default parameters in the 'global' section.
-### These parameters apply if no corresponding parameter is set in
-### a specifically matched group as shown above. Thus, if you go
-### through the same proxy server to reach every site on the
-### Internet, you probably just want to put that server's
-### information in the 'global' section and not bother with
-### 'groups' or any other sections.
-### If you go through a proxy for all but a few sites, you can
-### list those exceptions under 'http-proxy-exceptions'. This only
-### overrides defaults, not explicitly matched server names.
-### 'ssl-authority-files' is a semicolon-delimited list of files,
-### each pointing to a PEM-encoded Certificate Authority (CA)
-### SSL certificate. See details above for overriding security
-### due to SSL.
-# http-proxy-exceptions = *,
-# http-proxy-host =
-# http-proxy-port = 7000
-# http-proxy-username = defaultusername
-# http-proxy-password = defaultpassword
-# http-compression = no
-# http-auth-types = basic;digest;negotiate
-# No http-timeout, so just use the builtin default.
-# No neon-debug-mask, so neon debugging is disabled.
-# ssl-authority-files = /path/to/CAcert.pem;/path/to/CAcert2.pem