// Copyright (C) 2022-2023  Luke Shumaker <lukeshu@lukeshu.com>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later

package btrees

import (


	pkggraph "git.lukeshu.com/btrfs-progs-ng/lib/btrfsprogs/btrfsinspect/rebuildnodes/graph"

// RebuiltForrest is an abstraction for rebuilding and accessing
// potentially broken btrees.
// It is conceptually a btrfstree.TreeOperator, and adds similar
// broken-tree handling to btrfsutil.BrokenForrest.  However, the API
// is different thant btrfstree.TreeOperator, and is much more
// efficient than btrfsutil.BrokenForrest.
// The efficiency improvements are possible because of the API
// differences, which are necessary for how it is used in
// rebuildnodes:
//   - it consumes an already-read graph.Graph instead of reading the
//     graph itself
//   - it does not use `btrfstree.TreePath`
//   - it does not keep track of errors encountered in a tree
// Additionally, it provides some functionality that
// btrfsutil.BrokenForrest does not:
//   - it provides a .LeafToRoots() method to advise on what
//     additional roots should be added
//   - it provides a .COWDistance() method to compare how related two
//     trees are
// A zero RebuiltForrest is invalid; it must be initialized with
// NewRebuiltForrest().
type RebuiltForrest struct {
	// static
	sb    btrfstree.Superblock
	graph pkggraph.Graph
	keyIO *keyio.Handle

	// static callbacks
	cbAddedItem  func(ctx context.Context, tree btrfsprim.ObjID, key btrfsprim.Key)
	cbLookupRoot func(ctx context.Context, tree btrfsprim.ObjID) (offset btrfsprim.Generation, item btrfsitem.Root, ok bool)
	cbLookupUUID func(ctx context.Context, uuid btrfsprim.UUID) (id btrfsprim.ObjID, ok bool)

	// mutable
	trees    containers.SyncMap[btrfsprim.ObjID, *RebuiltTree]
	leafs    *containers.LRUCache[btrfsprim.ObjID, map[btrfsvol.LogicalAddr]containers.Set[btrfsvol.LogicalAddr]]
	incItems *containers.LRUCache[btrfsprim.ObjID, *itemIndex]
	excItems *containers.LRUCache[btrfsprim.ObjID, *itemIndex]

// NewRebuiltForrest returns a new RebuiltForrest instance.  All of
// the callbacks must be non-nil.
func NewRebuiltForrest(
	sb btrfstree.Superblock, graph pkggraph.Graph, keyIO *keyio.Handle,
	cbAddedItem func(ctx context.Context, tree btrfsprim.ObjID, key btrfsprim.Key),
	cbLookupRoot func(ctx context.Context, tree btrfsprim.ObjID) (offset btrfsprim.Generation, item btrfsitem.Root, ok bool),
	cbLookupUUID func(ctx context.Context, uuid btrfsprim.UUID) (id btrfsprim.ObjID, ok bool),
) *RebuiltForrest {
	return &RebuiltForrest{
		sb:    sb,
		graph: graph,
		keyIO: keyIO,

		cbAddedItem:  cbAddedItem,
		cbLookupRoot: cbLookupRoot,
		cbLookupUUID: cbLookupUUID,

		leafs:    containers.NewLRUCache[btrfsprim.ObjID, map[btrfsvol.LogicalAddr]containers.Set[btrfsvol.LogicalAddr]](textui.Tunable(8)),
		incItems: containers.NewLRUCache[btrfsprim.ObjID, *itemIndex](textui.Tunable(8)),
		excItems: containers.NewLRUCache[btrfsprim.ObjID, *itemIndex](textui.Tunable(8)),

// Tree returns a given tree, initializing it if nescessary.  If it is
// unable to initialize the tree, then nil is returned, and nothing is
// done to the forrest.
// The tree is initialized with the normal root node of the tree.
func (ts *RebuiltForrest) Tree(ctx context.Context, treeID btrfsprim.ObjID) *RebuiltTree {
	if !ts.addTree(ctx, treeID, nil) {
		return nil
	tree, _ := ts.trees.Load(treeID)
	return tree

func (ts *RebuiltForrest) addTree(ctx context.Context, treeID btrfsprim.ObjID, stack []btrfsprim.ObjID) (ok bool) {
	if tree, ok := ts.trees.Load(treeID); ok {
		return tree != nil
	defer func() {
		if !ok {
			// Store a negative cache of this.  tree.AddRoot() for the ROOT or UUID
			// trees will invalidate the negative cache.
			ts.trees.Store(treeID, nil)
	stack = append(stack, treeID)
	ctx = dlog.WithField(ctx, "btrfsinspect.rebuild-nodes.rebuild.add-tree", stack)
	dlog.Info(ctx, "adding tree...")
	if slices.Contains(treeID, stack[:len(stack)-1]) {
		dlog.Errorf(ctx, "failed to add tree: loop detected: %v", stack)
		return false

	tree := &RebuiltTree{
		ID:      treeID,
		Roots:   make(containers.Set[btrfsvol.LogicalAddr]),
		forrest: ts,
	var root btrfsvol.LogicalAddr
	switch treeID {
	case btrfsprim.ROOT_TREE_OBJECTID:
		root = ts.sb.RootTree
	case btrfsprim.CHUNK_TREE_OBJECTID:
		root = ts.sb.ChunkTree
	case btrfsprim.TREE_LOG_OBJECTID:
		root = ts.sb.LogTree
		root = ts.sb.BlockGroupRoot
		if !ts.addTree(ctx, btrfsprim.ROOT_TREE_OBJECTID, stack) {
			dlog.Error(ctx, "failed to add tree: add ROOT_TREE")
			return false
		rootOff, rootItem, ok := ts.cbLookupRoot(ctx, treeID)
		if !ok {
			dlog.Error(ctx, "failed to add tree: lookup ROOT_ITEM")
			return false
		root = rootItem.ByteNr
		tree.UUID = rootItem.UUID
		if rootItem.ParentUUID != (btrfsprim.UUID{}) {
			tree.ParentGen = rootOff
			if !ts.addTree(ctx, btrfsprim.UUID_TREE_OBJECTID, stack) {
				return false
			parentID, ok := ts.cbLookupUUID(ctx, rootItem.ParentUUID)
			if !ok {
				dlog.Error(ctx, "failed to add tree: lookup UUID")
				return false
			if !ts.addTree(ctx, parentID, stack) {
				dlog.Error(ctx, "failed to add tree: add parent tree")
				return false
			tree.Parent, _ = ts.trees.Load(parentID)

	ts.trees.Store(treeID, tree)
	if root != 0 {
		tree.AddRoot(ctx, root)

	return true

// ListRoots returns a listing of all initialized trees and their root
// nodes.
// Do not mutate the set of roots for a tree; it is a pointer to the
// RebuiltForrest's internal set!
func (ts *RebuiltForrest) ListRoots() map[btrfsprim.ObjID]containers.Set[btrfsvol.LogicalAddr] {
	ret := make(map[btrfsprim.ObjID]containers.Set[btrfsvol.LogicalAddr])
	ts.trees.Range(func(treeID btrfsprim.ObjID, tree *RebuiltTree) bool {
		if tree != nil {
			ret[treeID] = tree.Roots
		return true
	return ret