path: root/lib/btrfsprogs/btrfsinspect/rebuildnodes/rebuild.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/btrfsprogs/btrfsinspect/rebuildnodes/rebuild.go')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lib/btrfsprogs/btrfsinspect/rebuildnodes/rebuild.go b/lib/btrfsprogs/btrfsinspect/rebuildnodes/rebuild.go
index c5f51ca..be2834b 100644
--- a/lib/btrfsprogs/btrfsinspect/rebuildnodes/rebuild.go
+++ b/lib/btrfsprogs/btrfsinspect/rebuildnodes/rebuild.go
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ package rebuildnodes
import (
+ "sort"
@@ -141,8 +142,112 @@ func (o *Rebuilder) rebuild(ctx context.Context) error {
func (o *Rebuilder) resolveTreeAugments(ctx context.Context, listsWithDistances []map[btrfsvol.LogicalAddr]int) containers.Set[btrfsvol.LogicalAddr] {
- // TODO
- return nil
+ distances := make(map[btrfsvol.LogicalAddr]int)
+ generations := make(map[btrfsvol.LogicalAddr]btrfsprim.Generation)
+ lists := make([]containers.Set[btrfsvol.LogicalAddr], len(listsWithDistances))
+ for i, listWithDistances := range listsWithDistances {
+ lists[i] = make(containers.Set[btrfsvol.LogicalAddr], len(listWithDistances))
+ for item, dist := range listWithDistances {
+ lists[i].Insert(item)
+ distances[item] = dist
+ generations[item] = o.graph.Nodes[item].Generation
+ }
+ }
+ // Define an algorithm that takes several lists of items, and returns a
+ // set of those items such that each input list contains zero or one of
+ // the items from your return set. The same item may appear in multiple
+ // of the input lists.
+ //
+ // > Example 1: Given the input lists
+ // >
+ // > 0: [A, B]
+ // > 2: [A, C]
+ // >
+ // > legal solutions would be `[]`, `[A]`, `[B]`, `[C]`, or `[B, C]`. It
+ // > would not be legal to return `[A, B]` or `[A, C]`.
+ //
+ // > Example 2: Given the input lists
+ // >
+ // > 1: [A, B]
+ // > 2: [A]
+ // > 3: [B]
+ // >
+ // > legal solution woudl be `[]`, `[A]` or `[B]`. It would not be legal
+ // > to return `[A, B]`.
+ //
+ // The algorithm should optimize for the following goals:
+ //
+ // - We prefer that each input list have an item in the return set.
+ //
+ // > In Example 1, while `[]`, `[B]`, and `[C]` are permissable
+ // > solutions, they are not optimal, because one or both of the input
+ // > lists are not represented.
+ // >
+ // > It may be the case that it is not possible to represent all lists
+ // > in the result; in Example 2, either list 2 or list 3 must be
+ // > unrepresented.
+ //
+ // - Each item has a non-negative scalar "distance" score, we prefer
+ // lower distances. Distance scores are comparable; 0 is preferred,
+ // and a distance of 4 is twice as bad as a distance of 2.
+ //
+ // - Each item has a "generation" score, we prefer higher generations.
+ // Generation scores should not be treated as a linear scale; the
+ // magnitude of deltas is meaningless; only the sign of a delta is
+ // meaningful.
+ //
+ // > So it would be wrong to say something like
+ // >
+ // > desirability = (-a*distance) + (b*generation) // for some constants `a` and `b`
+ // >
+ // > because `generation` can't be used that way
+ //
+ // - We prefer items that appear in more lists over items that appear in
+ // fewer lists.
+ //
+ // The relative priority of these 4 goals is undefined; preferrably the
+ // algorithm should be defined in a way that makes it easy to adjust the
+ // relative priorities.
+ ret := make(containers.Set[btrfsvol.LogicalAddr])
+ illegal := make(containers.Set[btrfsvol.LogicalAddr]) // cannot-be-accepted and already-accepted
+ accept := func(item btrfsvol.LogicalAddr) {
+ ret.Insert(item)
+ for _, list := range lists {
+ if list.Has(item) {
+ illegal.InsertFrom(list)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ counts := make(map[btrfsvol.LogicalAddr]int)
+ for _, list := range lists {
+ for item := range list {
+ counts[item] = counts[item] + 1
+ }
+ }
+ sortedItems := maps.Keys(distances)
+ sort.Slice(sortedItems, func(i, j int) bool {
+ iItem, jItem := sortedItems[i], sortedItems[j]
+ if counts[iItem] != counts[jItem] {
+ return counts[iItem] > counts[jItem] // reverse this check; higher counts should sort lower
+ }
+ if distances[iItem] != distances[jItem] {
+ return distances[iItem] < distances[jItem]
+ }
+ if generations[iItem] != generations[jItem] {
+ return generations[iItem] > generations[jItem] // reverse this check; higher generations should sort lower
+ }
+ return iItem < jItem // laddr is as good a tiebreaker as anything
+ })
+ for _, item := range sortedItems {
+ if !illegal.Has(item) {
+ accept(item)
+ }
+ }
+ return ret