path: root/cmd/btrfs-rec/inspect/rebuildtrees/rebuild.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'cmd/btrfs-rec/inspect/rebuildtrees/rebuild.go')
1 files changed, 175 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/cmd/btrfs-rec/inspect/rebuildtrees/rebuild.go b/cmd/btrfs-rec/inspect/rebuildtrees/rebuild.go
index e6345ae..d1ccfac 100644
--- a/cmd/btrfs-rec/inspect/rebuildtrees/rebuild.go
+++ b/cmd/btrfs-rec/inspect/rebuildtrees/rebuild.go
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ func NewRebuilder(ctx context.Context, fs *btrfs.FS, nodeList []btrfsvol.Logical
o := &rebuilder{
scan: scanData,
- o.rebuilt = btrfsutil.NewRebuiltForrest(fs, scanData.Superblock, scanData.Graph, forrestCallbacks{o})
+ o.rebuilt = btrfsutil.NewRebuiltForrest(fs, scanData.Graph, forrestCallbacks{o})
return o, nil
@@ -224,6 +224,153 @@ func (o *rebuilder) processAddedItemQueue(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
+type itemToVisit struct {
+ SortTreeID btrfsprim.ObjID // Use this tree ID for sorting, but not lookups
+ keyAndTree
+ RefNum int // Only for EXTENT_ITEM and METADATA_ITEM
+func (k itemToVisit) String() string {
+ if k.TreeID == btrfsprim.EXTENT_TREE_OBJECTID &&
+ (k.ItemType == btrfsprim.EXTENT_ITEM_KEY || k.ItemType == btrfsprim.METADATA_ITEM_KEY) {
+ return textui.Sprintf("%v#%d", k.keyAndTree, k.RefNum)
+ }
+ return textui.Sprintf("%v", k.keyAndTree)
+func (a itemToVisit) Compare(b itemToVisit) int {
+ if d := containers.NativeCompare(a.SortTreeID, b.SortTreeID); d != 0 {
+ return d
+ }
+ if d := a.keyAndTree.Compare(b.keyAndTree); d != 0 {
+ return d
+ }
+ return containers.NativeCompare(a.RefNum, b.RefNum)
+// sortSettledItemQueue is like a the usual simple by-key sort; but
+// applies a different sort-order to members of the EXTENT_TREE. It
+// sorts those members by the FS trees of the referencing inodes,
+// rather than by the laddr of the extent being referenced. This
+// greatly reduces the number of .RebuiltAcquireItems() cache-misses.
+func (o *rebuilder) sortSettledItemQueue(ctx context.Context, unorderedQueue containers.Set[keyAndTree]) []itemToVisit {
+ // Like many problems, the trick isn't answering the question,
+ // it's asking the right question.
+ //
+ // "Naively", the problem might be stated as:
+ //
+ // Definitions:
+ //
+ // An "item" contains a set of 0 or more (`uint64`) "tree
+ // IDs". "Processing" an item does a cache-load operation
+ // (from a replacement cache) for each tree ID.
+ //
+ // Problem:
+ //
+ // Given a list of items, sort the list in a manor that
+ // minimizes cache-misses when processing the items in the
+ // list in order. Does the cache size or cache
+ // replacement policy affect what the optimal order is?
+ //
+ // Discussion:
+ //
+ // Put another way, sort the list such that items
+ // containing the same tree IDs are near to eachother. If
+ // each item only contained 1 tree ID, this would be
+ // simple: sort by that tree ID. The difficulty of the
+ // question is how to weight each tree ID when items
+ // contain multiple; if an item contains tree IDs 'A' and
+ // 'B', and putting it near other items with 'A' if that
+ // means putting it farther from other items with 'B',
+ // when is it worth it to do so?
+ //
+ // The most obvious approach that is independent of the cache
+ // size/policy is to minimize the total distance between items
+ // within the same set. It turns out that this is the
+ // "Minimum Linear Arrangement" problem ("MinLA"), which is
+ // NP-hard. But, if you were paying attention, it's not quite
+ // MinLA; in our once two items are far enough apart that a
+ // cache eviction happens between them, there's no cost to
+ // moving them farther apart. And continuing to try to keep
+ // them close (instead of giving up on them) results in
+ // sub-optimal arrangements. So not only is MinLA
+ // computationally expensive for us to try to approximate a
+ // solution for, it won't actually give us a very good
+ // solution!
+ //
+ // So you might think "Ah, the trick is to not ask MinLA, the
+ // trick is to ask this MinLA-with-capped-cost question!" But
+ // we can find an even better question!
+ //
+ // Some concrete numbers to help with thinking about this: In
+ // my test trees, the maximum number of trees per item is 33,
+ // and slowdown from areas of the queue with few cache misses
+ // to areas where the MinLA approximation does poorly is
+ // around ~300×. And I don't think it's possible to come up
+ // with a better solution without going O(n^2), which is
+ // prohibitive when there are 4 million items in the
+ //
+ // The *right* question involves backing up and revisiting the
+ // assumption that it's *items* that we're sorting.
+ //
+ // Instead, let's allow items in the EXTENT_TREE to be visited
+ // more than once; have an entry in the queue for each
+ // ExtentDataRef within an item. Sure, that'll cause some
+ // inefficiency because EXTENT_ITEMs and METADATA_ITEMs will
+ // need to be read more than once. But that's a ~30×
+ // slowdown, and allows us to just sort those queue-entries
+ // near the trees being back-referenced. A ~30× slowdown is a
+ // heck of a lot better than a ~300× slowdown. And we don't
+ // have to try to solve a problem that's NP-hard.
+ ctx = dlog.WithField(ctx, "btrfs.inspect.rebuild-trees.rebuild.process.substep", "sort")
+ dlog.Info(ctx, "building ordered queue...")
+ dlog.Infof(ctx, "... walking %d items...", len(unorderedQueue))
+ // Don't worry about bailing if there is a failure to get the
+ // EXTENT_TREE; if that fails, then there can't be any items
+ // in the EXTENT_TREE for us to have to handle special, and
+ // all of the following code will fall through common-path.
+ extentTree := o.rebuilt.RebuiltTree(ctx, btrfsprim.EXTENT_TREE_OBJECTID)
+ var extentItems *containers.SortedMap[btrfsprim.Key, btrfsutil.ItemPtr]
+ if extentTree != nil {
+ extentItems = extentTree.RebuiltAcquireItems(ctx)
+ defer extentTree.RebuiltReleaseItems()
+ }
+ orderedQueue := make([]itemToVisit, 0, len(unorderedQueue))
+ for itemKey := range unorderedQueue {
+ if itemKey.TreeID == btrfsprim.EXTENT_TREE_OBJECTID && (itemKey.ItemType == btrfsprim.EXTENT_ITEM_KEY ||
+ itemKey.ItemType == btrfsprim.METADATA_ITEM_KEY ||
+ itemKey.ItemType == btrfsprim.EXTENT_DATA_REF_KEY) {
+ ptr, _ := extentItems.Load(itemKey.Key)
+ for i, treeID := range o.scan.DataBackrefs[ptr] {
+ orderedQueue = append(orderedQueue, itemToVisit{
+ keyAndTree: itemKey,
+ SortTreeID: treeID,
+ RefNum: i,
+ })
+ }
+ } else {
+ orderedQueue = append(orderedQueue, itemToVisit{
+ keyAndTree: itemKey,
+ SortTreeID: itemKey.TreeID,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ dlog.Infof(ctx, "... sorting %d queue entries...", len(orderedQueue))
+ sort.Slice(orderedQueue, func(i, j int) bool {
+ return orderedQueue[i].Compare(orderedQueue[j]) < 0
+ })
+ dlog.Info(ctx, "... done")
+ return orderedQueue
type processItemStats struct {
NumAugments int
@@ -241,11 +388,8 @@ func (s processItemStats) String() string {
func (o *rebuilder) processSettledItemQueue(ctx context.Context) error {
ctx = dlog.WithField(ctx, "btrfs.inspect.rebuild-trees.rebuild.substep", "process-items")
- queue := maps.Keys(o.settledItemQueue)
+ queue := o.sortSettledItemQueue(ctx, o.settledItemQueue)
o.settledItemQueue = make(containers.Set[keyAndTree])
- sort.Slice(queue, func(i, j int) bool {
- return queue[i].Compare(queue[j]) < 0
- })
var progress processItemStats
progress.D = len(queue)
@@ -254,23 +398,46 @@ func (o *rebuilder) processSettledItemQueue(ctx context.Context) error {
defer progressWriter.Done()
ctx = dlog.WithField(ctx, "btrfs.inspect.rebuild-trees.rebuild.substep.progress", &progress)
+ progressWriter.Set(progress)
type keyAndBody struct {
- keyAndTree
+ itemToVisit
Body btrfsitem.Item
itemChan := make(chan keyAndBody, textui.Tunable(300)) // average items-per-node≈100; let's have a buffer of ~3 nodes
grp := dgroup.NewGroup(ctx, dgroup.GroupConfig{})
grp.Go("io", func(ctx context.Context) error {
defer close(itemChan)
+ nextKey:
for _, key := range queue {
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return err
ctx := dlog.WithField(ctx, "btrfs.inspect.rebuild-trees.rebuild.process.item", key)
item := keyAndBody{
- keyAndTree: key,
- Body: o.rebuilt.RebuiltTree(ctx, key.TreeID).ReadItem(ctx, key.Key),
+ itemToVisit: key,
+ Body: o.rebuilt.RebuiltTree(ctx, key.TreeID).ReadItem(ctx, key.Key),
+ }
+ if key.TreeID == btrfsprim.EXTENT_TREE_OBJECTID &&
+ (key.ItemType == btrfsprim.EXTENT_ITEM_KEY || key.ItemType == btrfsprim.METADATA_ITEM_KEY) {
+ switch itemBody := item.Body.(type) {
+ case *btrfsitem.Extent:
+ item.Body = itemBody.Refs[key.RefNum].Body
+ if item.Body == nil {
+ continue nextKey
+ }
+ case *btrfsitem.Metadata:
+ item.Body = itemBody.Refs[key.RefNum].Body
+ if item.Body == nil {
+ continue nextKey
+ }
+ case *btrfsitem.Error:
+ // do nothing
+ default:
+ // This is a panic because the item decoder should not emit a new
+ // type to ref.Body without this code also being updated.
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("should not happen: unexpected type %T for %v", itemBody, key.ItemType))
+ }
select {
case itemChan <- item: