Why documentation on GNU/Linux sucks ==================================== :copyright 2012 Luke Shumaker This is based on a post on [reddit][1], published on 2012-09-12. [1]: http://www.reddit.com/r/archlinux/comments/zoffo/systemd_we_will_keep_making_it_the_distro_we_like/c66uu57 The documentation situation on GNU/Linux based operating systems is right now a mess. In the world of documentation, there are basically 3 camps, the "UNIX" camp, the "GNU" camp, and the "GNU/Linux" camp. The UNIX camp is the `man` page camp, they have quality, terse but informative man pages, on *everything*, including the system's design and all system files. If it was up to the UNIX camp, `man grub.cfg`, `man grub.d`, and `man grub-mkconfig_lib` would exist and actually be helpful. The man page would either include inline examples, or point you to a directory. If I were to print off all of the man pages, it would actually be a useful manual for the system. Then GNU camp is the `info` camp. They basically thought that each piece of software was more complex than a man page could handle. They essentially think that some individual pieces software warrant a book. So, they developed the `info` system. The info pages are usually quite high quality, but are very long, and a pain if you just want a quick look. The `info` system can generate good HTML (and PDF, etc.) documentation. But the standard `info` is awkward as hell to use for non-Emacs users. Then we have the "GNU/Linux" camp, they use GNU software, but want to use `man` pages. This means that we get low-quality man pages for GNU software, and then we don't have a good baseline for documentation, developers each try to create their own. The documentation that gets written is frequently either low-quality, or non-standard. A lot of man pages are auto-generated from `--help` output or info pages, meaning they are either not helpful, or overly verbose with low information density. This camp gets the worst of both worlds, and a few problems of its own.