Web log entries
* - [Notes on email message threading](./message-threading.html)
* - [Announcing: btrfs-rec: Recover (data from) a broken btrfs filesystem](./btrfs-rec.html)
* - [POSIX pricing and availability; or: Do you really need the PDF?](./posix-pricing.html)
* - [GNU/Linux Keyboard Maps: xmodmap](./kbd-xmodmap.html)
* - [The interesting architecture of crt.sh](./crt-sh-architecture.html)
* - [Notes on subtleties of HTTP implementation](./http-notes.html)
* - [My X11 setup with systemd](./x11-systemd.html)
* - [My favorite bug: segfaults in Java (redux)](./java-segfault-redux.html)
* - [An Nginx configuration for MediaWiki](./nginx-mediawiki.html)
* - [I took some videos at LibrePlanet](./lp2015-videos.html)
* - [Building Bash 1.14.7 on a modern system](./build-bash-1.html)
* - [Customizing your login on Purdue CS computers (WIP, but updated)](./purdue-cs-login.html)
* - [A memoization routine for GNU Make functions](./make-memoize.html)
* - [I'm excited about the new RYF-certified routers from ThinkPenguin](./ryf-routers.html)
* - [What I'm working on (Fall 2014)](./what-im-working-on-fall-2014.html)
* - [Miscellaneous ways to improve your Rails experience](./rails-improvements.html)
* - [Bash redirection](./bash-redirection.html)
* - [My favorite bug: segfaults in Java](./java-segfault.html)
* - [Bash arrays](./bash-arrays.html)
* - [A git pre-commit hook for automatically formatting Go code](./git-go-pre-commit.html)
* - [`dprintf`: print formatted text directly to a file descriptor](./fd_printf.html)
* - [Emacs as an operating system](./emacs-as-an-os.html)
* - [A summary of Emacs' bundled shell and terminal modes](./emacs-shells.html)
* - [An explanation of common terminal emulator color codes](./term-colors.html)
* - [An explanation of how "copyleft" licensing works](./fs-licensing-explanation.html)
* - [A quick overview of usage of the Pacman package manager](./pacman-overview.html)
* - [Why documentation on GNU/Linux sucks](./poor-system-documentation.html)
* - [What Arch Linux's switch to systemd means for users](./arch-systemd.html)