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- <p>An Introduction to Apocrypha</p>
-<p>title: &quot;An Introduction to Apocrypha&quot;</p>
-<p>updated: &quot;2017-12-23 Sat 14:21&quot;</p>
-<p>categories: AP</p>
-<p>Apocrypha is a world of mystery and forgotten history, built from first principles and the realization that even simple truths have consequences.</p>
-<p>My goal with building the world of Apocrypha is to create a generic fantasy world which is both suitable for books and for use with TRPGs, and is designed somewhere on the coherency spectrum between the Forgotten Realms and Discworld.</p>
-<p>Though it is being designed to function with the 5th edition of &lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;Dungeons &amp; Dragons&lt;/a&gt; in mind, I am also haphazardly designing a TRPG of my own which may be abandoned along the way, but draws inspiration from Apocrypha as well as breathing life back into it. Over the last 2 months, I've found that working on one usually generates ideas that are applicable to the other, and overall energy for both projects benefits from this dynamic.</p>
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