/* * Combine multiple rrdFiles into one object * It implements the same interface, but changing the content * * Part of the javascriptRRD package * Copyright (c) 2010 Igor Sfiligoi, isfiligoi@ucsd.edu * * Original repository: http://javascriptrrd.sourceforge.net/ * * MIT License [http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php] * */ // ============================================================ // RRD RRA handling class function RRDRRASum(rra_list,offset_list,treat_undefined_as_zero) { this.rra_list=rra_list; this.offset_list=offset_list; this.treat_undefined_as_zero=treat_undefined_as_zero; this.row_cnt= this.rra_list[0].getNrRows(); } RRDRRA.prototype.getIdx = function() { return this.rra_list[0].getIdx(); } // Get number of rows/columns RRDRRA.prototype.getNrRows = function() { return this.row_cnt; } RRDRRA.prototype.getNrDSs = function() { return this.rra_list[0].getNrDSs(); } // Get RRA step (expressed in seconds) RRDRRA.prototype.getStep = function() { return this.rra_list[0].getStep(); } // Get consolidation function name RRDRRA.prototype.getCFName = function() { return this.rra_list[0].getCFName(); } RRDRRASum.prototype.getEl = function(row_idx,ds_idx) { var outSum=0.0; for (var i in this.rra_list) { var offset=this.offset_list[i]; if ((row_id+offset) undefined*/ val=undefined; } /* treat all undefines as 0 for now */ if (val==undefined) { if (this.treat_undefined_as_zero) { val=0; } else { /* if even one element is undefined, the whole sum is undefined */ outSum=undefined; break; } } outSum+=val; } return outSum; } // Low precision version of getEl // Uses getFastDoubleAt RRDRRASum.prototype.getElFast = function(row_idx,ds_idx) { var outSum=0.0; for (var i in this.rra_list) { var offset=this.offset_list[i]; if ((row_id+offset) undefined*/ val=undefined; } /* treat all undefines as 0 for now */ if (val==undefined) { if (this.treat_undefined_as_zero) { val=0; } else { /* if even one element is undefined, the whole sum is undefined */ outSum=undefined; break; } } outSum+=val; } return outSum; } /*** INTERNAL ** sort by lastupdate, descending ***/ function rrdFileSort(f1, f2) { return f2.getLastUpdate()-f1.getLastUpdate(); } /* * Sum several RRDfiles together * They must all have the same DSes and the same RRAs */ function RRDFileSum(file_list,treat_undefined_as_zero) { if (treat_undefined_as_zero==undefined) { this.treat_undefined_as_zero=true; } else { this.treat_undefined_as_zero=treat_undefined_as_zero; } this.file_list=file_list; this.file_list.sort(); // =================================== // Start of user functions this.getMinStep = function() { return this.file_list[0].getMinStep(); } this.getLastUpdate = function() { return this.file_list[0].getLastUpdate(); } this.getNrDSs = function() { return this.file_list[0].getNrDSs(); } this.getDSNames = function() { return this.file_list[0].getDSNames(); } this.getDS = function(id) { return this.file_list[0].getDS(id); } this.getNrRRAs = function() { return this.file_list[0].getNrRRAs(); } this.getRRAInfo = function(idx) { return this.file_list[0].getRRAInfo(idx); } this.getRRA = function(idx) { var rra_info=this.getRRAInfo(idx); var rra_step=rra_info.getStep(); var realLastUpdate=undefined; var rra_list=new Array(); var offset_list=new Array(); for (var i in self.file_list) { file=file_list[i]; fileLastUpdate=file.getLastUpdate(); if (realLastUpdate!=undefined) { fileSkrew=Math.floor((realLastUpdate-fileLastUpdate)/rra_step); } else { fileSkrew=0; firstLastUpdate=fileLastUpdate; } offset_list.push(fileSkrew); fileRRA=file.getRRA(idx); rra_list.push(fileRRA); } return new RRDRRASum(rra_list,offset_list,this.treat_undefined_as_zero); } }