/* * Client library for access to RRD archive files * Part of the javascriptRRD package * Copyright (c) 2009 Frank Wuerthwein, fkw@ucsd.edu * * Original repository: http://javascriptrrd.sourceforge.net/ * * MIT License [http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php] * */ /* * * RRDTool has been developed and is maintained by * Tobias Oether [http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/] * * This software can be used to read files produced by the RRDTool * but has been developed independently. * * Limitations: * * This version of the module assumes RRD files created on linux * with intel architecture and supports both 32 and 64 bit CPUs. * All integers in RRD files are suppoes to fit in 32bit values. * * Only versions 3 and 4 of the RRD archive are supported. * */ /* * Dependencies: * * The data provided to this module require an object of a class * that implements the following methods: * getByteAt(idx) - Return a 8 bit unsigned integer at offset idx * getLongAt(idx) - Return a 32 bit unsigned integer at offset idx * getDoubleAt(idx) - Return a double float at offset idx * getFastDoubleAt(idx) - Similar to getDoubleAt but with less precision * getCStringAt(idx,maxsize) - Return a string of at most maxsize characters * that was 0-terminated in the source * * The BinaryFile from binaryXHR.js implements this interface. * */ // ============================================================ // Exception class function InvalidRRD(msg) { this.message=msg; this.name="Invalid RRD"; } // pretty print InvalidRRD.prototype.toString = function() { return this.name + ': "' + this.message + '"'; } // ============================================================ // RRD DS Info class function RRDDS(rrd_data,rrd_data_idx) { this.rrd_data=rrd_data; this.rrd_data_idx=rrd_data_idx; } RRDDS.prototype.getName = function() { return this.rrd_data.getCStringAt(this.rrd_data_idx,20); } RRDDS.prototype.getType = function() { return this.rrd_data.getCStringAt(this.rrd_data_idx+20,20); } RRDDS.prototype.getMin = function() { return this.rrd_data.getDoubleAt(this.rrd_data_idx+48); } RRDDS.prototype.getMax = function() { return this.rrd_data.getDoubleAt(this.rrd_data_idx+56); } // ============================================================ // RRD RRA Info class function RRDRRAInfo(rrd_data,rra_def_idx, rrd_align,row_cnt,pdp_step) { this.rrd_data=rrd_data; this.rra_def_idx=rra_def_idx; this.rrd_align=rrd_align; this.row_cnt=row_cnt; this.pdp_step=pdp_step; } // Get number of rows RRDRRAInfo.prototype.getNrRows = function() { return this.row_cnt; } // Get number of slots used for consolidation // Mostly for internal use RRDRRAInfo.prototype.getPdpPerRow = function() { if (this.rrd_align==32) return this.rrd_data.getLongAt(this.rra_def_idx+24,20); else return this.rrd_data.getLongAt(this.rra_def_idx+32,20); } // Get step per row (expressed in seconds) RRDRRAInfo.prototype.getStepPerRow = function() { return this.pdp_step*this.getPdpPerRow(); } // Get consolidation function name RRDRRAInfo.prototype.getCFName = function() { return this.rrd_data.getCStringAt(this.rra_def_idx,20); } // ============================================================ // RRD RRA handling class function RRDRRA(rrd_data,rra_ptr_idx, rra_info, header_size,prev_row_cnts,ds_cnt) { this.rrd_data=rrd_data; this.rra_info=rra_info; this.row_cnt=rra_info.row_cnt; this.ds_cnt=ds_cnt; var row_size=ds_cnt*8; this.base_rrd_db_idx=header_size+prev_row_cnts*row_size; // get imediately, since it will be needed often var cur_row=rrd_data.getLongAt(rra_ptr_idx); // calculate idx relative to base_rrd_db_idx // mostly used internally this.calc_idx = function(row_idx,ds_idx) { if ((row_idx>=0) && (row_idx=0) && (ds_idx=this.row_cnt) real_row_idx-=this.row_cnt; return row_size*real_row_idx+ds_idx*8; } else { throw RangeError("DS idx ("+ row_idx +") out of range [0-" + ds_cnt +")."); } } else { throw RangeError("Row idx ("+ row_idx +") out of range [0-" + this.row_cnt +")."); } } } // Get number of rows/columns RRDRRA.prototype.getNrRows = function() { return this.row_cnt; } RRDRRA.prototype.getNrDSs = function() { return this.ds_cnt; } // Get step per row (expressed in seconds) RRDRRA.prototype.getStepPerRow = function() { return this.rra_info.getStepPerRow(); } // Get consolidation function name RRDRRA.prototype.getCFName = function() { return this.rra_info.getCFName(); } RRDRRA.prototype.getEl = function(row_idx,ds_idx) { return this.rrd_data.getDoubleAt(this.base_rrd_db_idx+this.calc_idx(row_idx,ds_idx)); } // Low precision version of getEl // Uses getFastDoubleAt RRDRRA.prototype.getElFast = function(row_idx,ds_idx) { return this.rrd_data.getFastDoubleAt(this.base_rrd_db_idx+this.calc_idx(row_idx,ds_idx)); } // ============================================================ // RRD Header handling class function RRDHeader(rrd_data) { this.rrd_data=rrd_data; this.validate_rrd(); this.load_header(); this.calc_idxs(); } // Internal, used for initialization RRDHeader.prototype.validate_rrd = function() { if (this.rrd_data.getCStringAt(0,4)!=="RRD") throw new InvalidRRD("Wrong magic id."); this.rrd_version=this.rrd_data.getCStringAt(4,5); if ((this.rrd_version!=="0003")&&(this.rrd_version!=="0004")) { throw new InvalidRRD("Unsupported RRD version "+this.rrd_version+"."); } if (this.rrd_data.getDoubleAt(12)==8.642135e+130) { this.rrd_align=32; } else if (this.rrd_data.getDoubleAt(16)==8.642135e+130) { this.rrd_align=64; } else { throw new InvalidRRD("Unsupported platform."); } } // Internal, used for initialization RRDHeader.prototype.load_header = function() { if (this.rrd_align==32) { this.ds_cnt=this.rrd_data.getLongAt(20,false); this.rra_cnt=this.rrd_data.getLongAt(24,false); this.pdp_step=this.rrd_data.getLongAt(28,false); // 8*10 unused values follow this.top_header_size=112; } else { //get only the low 32 bits, the high 32 should always be 0 this.ds_cnt=this.rrd_data.getLongAt(24,false); this.rra_cnt=this.rrd_data.getLongAt(32,false); this.pdp_step=this.rrd_data.getLongAt(40,false); // 8*10 unused values follow this.top_header_size=128; } } // Internal, used for initialization RRDHeader.prototype.calc_idxs = function() { this.ds_def_idx=this.top_header_size; // char ds_nam[20], char dst[20], unival par[10] this.ds_el_size=120; this.rra_def_idx=this.ds_def_idx+this.ds_el_size*this.ds_cnt; // char cf_nam[20], uint row_cnt, uint pdp_cnt, unival par[10] this.row_cnt_idx; if (this.rrd_align==32) { this.rra_def_el_size=108; this.row_cnt_idx=20; } else { this.rra_def_el_size=120; this.row_cnt_idx=24; } this.live_head_idx=this.rra_def_idx+this.rra_def_el_size*this.rra_cnt; // time_t last_up, int last_up_usec if (this.rrd_align==32) { this.live_head_size=8; } else { this.live_head_size=16; } this.pdp_prep_idx=this.live_head_idx+this.live_head_size; // char last_ds[30], unival scratch[10] this.pdp_prep_el_size=112; this.cdp_prep_idx=this.pdp_prep_idx+this.pdp_prep_el_size*this.ds_cnt; // unival scratch[10] this.cdp_prep_el_size=80; this.rra_ptr_idx=this.cdp_prep_idx+this.cdp_prep_el_size*this.ds_cnt*this.rra_cnt; // uint cur_row if (this.rrd_align==32) { this.rra_ptr_el_size=4; } else { this.rra_ptr_el_size=8; } this.header_size=this.rra_ptr_idx+this.rra_ptr_el_size*this.rra_cnt; } // Optional initialization // Read and calculate row counts RRDHeader.prototype.load_row_cnts = function() { this.rra_def_row_cnts=[]; this.rra_def_row_cnt_sums=[]; // how many rows before me for (var i=0; i=0) && (idx=0) && (idx