rrdFlot module

The rrdFlot Javascript module implements a class used to represents a RDD archive as a Flot plot.


This module provide a single class: rrdFlot.

Given a RRDFile object, this class creates an interactive Flot plot.

In order to use this module, you also need to include:

Class rrdFlot

The rrdFlot constructor has two to four arguments:




ID of a HTML element, possibly a DIV.


An object of type RRDFile, or equivalent.

graph_options (optional)

Global graphing options. See Flot documentation for more details.

The recognized elements and the default values are:

  graph_options = {
    legend: {position:"nw",noColumns:3},
    lines: { show:true },
    yaxis: { autoscaleMargin: 0.20},

ds_graph_options (optional)

Dictionary of graphing options. This must be a dictionary of DS_id. Each element of the dictionary contains graphing options. See Flot documentation for more details.

The recognized elements and the default values are:

     title: label  or ds_name     // this is what is displayed in the checkboxes
     checked: first_ds_in_list?   // boolean
     label: title or ds_name      // this is what is displayed in the legend
     color: ds_index              // see Flot docs for details
     lines: { show:true }         // see Flot docs for details
     yaxis: 1                     // can be 1 or 2
     stack: 'none'                // other options are 'positive' and 'negative'

rrdflot_defaults (optional)

Dictionary of rrd_flot options.

The recognized elements and the default values are:

     legend: "Top"         //Starting location of legend. Options are: 
     num_cb_rows: 12       //How many rows of DS checkboxes per column.
     multi_ds: false       //"true" appends the name of the aggregation function to the 
                           //name of the DS element. Useful for when an element is displayed
                           //more than once but under different aggregation functions.

Once instatiated, the object will automatically draw the plot and handle user interaction.

This module is part of the javascriptRRD package hosted at http://javascriptrrd.sourceforge.net.
It is licensed under the MIT license.