path: root/jrrd.js
diff options
authorRichard Wall <richard@aziz>2010-06-23 23:24:21 +0100
committerRichard Wall <richard@aziz>2010-06-23 23:24:21 +0100
commit2bf746736bce59f2b81c4a13757bc0f5e0e43d98 (patch)
treeeea2836d5ae09522874e23b402adf5a39ee6e245 /jrrd.js
parent0ca1d509416149a83343baf35599b97a97d0bbb9 (diff)
Rename stuff to jarmon
Diffstat (limited to 'jrrd.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 773 deletions
diff --git a/jrrd.js b/jrrd.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a0a59e4..0000000
--- a/jrrd.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,773 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2010 Richard Wall <richard (at)>
- * See LICENSE for details.
- *
- * Wrappers and convenience fuctions for working with the javascriptRRD, jQuery,
- * and flot charting packages.
- *
- * Designed to work well with the RRD files generated by Collectd:
- * -
- *
- * Requirements:
- * - JavascriptRRD:
- * - jQuery:
- * - Flot:
- * - MochiKit.Async:
- */
-if(typeof jrrd == 'undefined') {
- var jrrd = {};
- * Download a binary file asynchronously using the jQuery.ajax function
- *
- * @param url: The url of the object to be downloaded
- * @return: A I{MochiKit.Async.Deferred} which will callback with an instance of
- * I{javascriptrrd.BinaryFile}
- **/
-jrrd.downloadBinary = function(url) {
- var d = new MochiKit.Async.Deferred();
- $.ajax({
- url: url,
- dataType: 'text',
- cache: false,
- beforeSend: function(request) {
- try {
- request.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined');
- } catch(e) {
- // IE doesn't support overrideMimeType
- }
- },
- success: function(data) {
- try {
- d.callback(new BinaryFile(data));
- } catch(e) {
- d.errback(e);
- }
- },
- error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
- // Special case for IE which handles binary data slightly
- // differently.
- if(textStatus == 'parsererror') {
- if (typeof xhr.responseBody != 'undefined') {
- return this.success(xhr.responseBody);
- }
- }
- d.errback(new Error(xhr.status));
- }
- });
- return d;
- * A wrapper around an instance of javascriptrrd.RRDFile which provides a
- * convenient way to query the RRDFile based on time range, RRD data source (DS)
- * and RRD consolidation function (CF).
- *
- * @param startTime: A javascript {Date} instance representing the start of query
- * time range, or {null} to return earliest available data.
- * @param endTime: A javascript {Date} instance representing the end of query
- * time range, or {null} to return latest available data.
- * @param dsId: A {String} name of an RRD DS or an {Int} DS index number or
- * {null} to return the first available DS.
- * @param cfName: A {String} name of an RRD consolidation function
- * @return: A flot compatible data series object
- **/
-jrrd.RrdQuery = function(rrd, unit) {
- this.rrd = rrd;
- this.unit = unit;
-jrrd.RrdQuery.prototype.getData = function(startTime, endTime, dsId, cfName) {
- /**
- * Generate a Flot compatible data object containing rows between start and
- * end time. The rows are taken from the first RRA whose data spans the
- * requested time range.
- *
- * @param startTime: The I{Date} start time
- * @param endTime: The I{Date} end time
- * @param dsId: An index I{Number} or key I{String} identifying the RRD
- * datasource (DS).
- * @param cfName: The name I{String} of an RRD consolidation function (CF)
- * @return: A Flot compatible data series I{Object}
- * eg {label:'', data:[], unit: ''}
- **/
- var startTimestamp = startTime.getTime()/1000;
- var lastUpdated = this.rrd.getLastUpdate();
- var endTimestamp = lastUpdated;
- if(endTime) {
- endTimestamp = endTime.getTime()/1000;
- // If end time stamp is beyond the range of this rrd then reset it
- if(lastUpdated < endTimestamp) {
- endTimestamp = lastUpdated;
- }
- }
- if(dsId == null) {
- dsId = 0;
- }
- var ds = this.rrd.getDS(dsId);
- if(cfName == null) {
- cfName = 'AVERAGE';
- }
- var rra, step, rraRowCount, firstUpdated;
- for(var i=0; i<this.rrd.getNrRRAs(); i++) {
- // Look through all RRAs looking for the most suitable
- // data resolution.
- rra = this.rrd.getRRA(i);
- // If this rra doesn't use the requested CF then move on to the next.
- if(rra.getCFName() != cfName) {
- continue;
- }
- step = rra.getStep();
- rraRowCount = rra.getNrRows();
- firstUpdated = lastUpdated - (rraRowCount - 1) * step;
- // We assume that the RRAs are listed in ascending order of time range,
- // therefore the first RRA which contains the range minimum should give
- // the highest resolution data for this range.
- if(firstUpdated <= startTimestamp) {
- break;
- }
- }
- // If we got to the end of the loop without ever defining step, it means
- // that the CF check never succeded.
- if(!step) {
- throw new Error('Unrecognised consolidation function: ' + cfName);
- }
- var startRow = rraRowCount - parseInt((lastUpdated - Math.max(startTimestamp, firstUpdated))/step) - 1;
- var endRow = rraRowCount - parseInt((lastUpdated - endTimestamp)/step) - 1;
- var flotData = [];
- var timestamp = firstUpdated + (startRow - 1) * step;
- var dsIndex = ds.getIdx();
- for (var i=startRow; i<=endRow; i++) {
- flotData.push([timestamp*1000.0, rra.getEl(i, dsIndex)]);
- timestamp += step;
- }
- // Now get the date of the earliest record in entire rrd file, ie that of
- // the last (longest range) rra.
- rra = this.rrd.getRRA(this.rrd.getNrRRAs()-1);
- firstUpdated = lastUpdated - (rra.getNrRows() -1) * rra.getStep();
- return {'label': ds.getName(), 'data': flotData, 'unit': this.unit,
- 'firstUpdated': firstUpdated*1000.0,
- 'lastUpdated': lastUpdated*1000.0};
- * A wrapper around RrdQuery which provides asynchronous access to the data in a
- * remote RRD file.
- *
- * @param url: The url I{String} of a remote RRD file
- * @param unit: The unit suffix I{String} of this data eg 'bit/sec'
- **/
-jrrd.RrdQueryRemote = function(url, unit) {
- this.url = url;
- this.unit = unit;
- this.lastUpdate = 0;
- this._download = null;
-jrrd.RrdQueryRemote.prototype.getData = function(startTime, endTime, dsId) {
- /**
- * Return a Flot compatible data series asynchronously.
- *
- * @param startTime: The start time I{Date}
- * @param endTime: The end time I{Date}
- * @returns: A I{MochiKit.Async.Deferred} which calls back with a flot data
- * series object I{Object}
- **/
- var endTimestamp = endTime.getTime()/1000;
- // Download the rrd if there has never been a download or if the last
- // completed download had a lastUpdated timestamp less than the requested
- // end time.
- // Don't start another download if one is already in progress.
- if(!this._download || (this._download.fired > -1 && this.lastUpdate < endTimestamp )) {
- this._download = jrrd.downloadBinary(this.url)
- .addCallback(
- function(self, binary) {
- // Upon successful download convert the resulting binary
- // into an RRD file and pass it on to the next callback
- // in the chain.
- var rrd = new RRDFile(binary);
- self.lastUpdate = rrd.getLastUpdate();
- return rrd;
- }, this);
- }
- // Set up a deferred which will call getData on the local RrdQuery object
- // returning a flot compatible data object to the caller.
- var ret = new MochiKit.Async.Deferred().addCallback(
- function(self, startTime, endTime, dsId, rrd) {
- return new jrrd.RrdQuery(rrd, self.unit).getData(startTime, endTime, dsId);
- }, this, startTime, endTime, dsId);
- // Add a pair of callbacks to the current download which will callback the
- // result which we setup above.
- this._download.addBoth(
- function(ret, res) {
- if(res instanceof Error) {
- ret.errback(res);
- } else {
- ret.callback(res);
- }
- return res;
- }, ret);
- return ret;
- * Wraps a I{RrdQueryRemote} to provide access to a different RRD DSs within a
- * single RrdDataSource.
- *
- * @param rrdQuery: An I{RrdQueryRemote}
- * @param dsId: An index or keyname of an RRD DS
- **/
-jrrd.RrdQueryDsProxy = function(rrdQuery, dsId) {
- this.rrdQuery = rrdQuery;
- this.dsId = dsId;
- this.unit = rrdQuery.unit;
-jrrd.RrdQueryDsProxy.prototype.getData = function(startTime, endTime) {
- /**
- * Call I{RrdQueryRemote.getData} with a particular dsId
- **/
- return this.rrdQuery.getData(startTime, endTime, this.dsId);
- * A class for creating a Flot chart from a series of RRD Queries
- *
- * @param template: A I{jQuery} containing a single element into which the chart
- * will be drawn
- * @param options: An I{Object} containing Flot options which describe how the
- * chart should be drawn.
- **/
-jrrd.Chart = function(template, options) {
- this.template = template;
- this.options = jQuery.extend(true, {yaxis: {}}, options);
- = [];
- var self = this;
- // Listen for clicks on the legend items - onclick enable / disable the
- // corresponding data source.
- $('.legend .legendLabel', this.template[0]).live('click', function(e) {
- self.switchDataEnabled($(this).text());
- self.draw();
- });
- this.options['yaxis']['ticks'] = function(axis) {
- /**
- * Choose a suitable SI multiplier based on the min and max values from
- * the axis and then generate appropriate yaxis tick labels.
- *
- * @param axis: An I{Object} with min and max properties
- * @return: An array of ~5 tick labels
- **/
- var siPrefixes = {
- 0: '',
- 1: 'K',
- 2: 'M',
- 3: 'G',
- 4: 'T'
- }
- var si = 0;
- while(true) {
- if( Math.pow(1000, si+1)*0.9 > axis.max ) {
- break;
- }
- si++;
- }
- var minVal = axis.min/Math.pow(1000, si);
- var maxVal = axis.max/Math.pow(1000, si);
- var stepSizes = [0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250];
- var realStep = (maxVal - minVal)/5.0;
- var stepSize, decimalPlaces = 0;
- for(var i=0; i<stepSizes.length; i++) {
- stepSize = stepSizes[i]
- if( realStep < stepSize ) {
- if(stepSize < 10) {
- decimalPlaces = 2;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- var tickMin = minVal - minVal % stepSize;
- var tickMax = maxVal - maxVal % stepSize + stepSize
- var ticks = [];
- for(var j=tickMin; j<=tickMax; j+=stepSize) {
- ticks.push([j*Math.pow(1000, si), j.toFixed(decimalPlaces)]);
- }
- self.siPrefix = siPrefixes[si];
- return ticks;
- };
-jrrd.Chart.prototype.addData = function(label, db, enabled) {
- /**
- * Add details of a remote RRD data source whose data will be added to this
- * chart.
- *
- * @param label: A I{String} label for this data which will be shown in the
- * chart legend
- * @param db: The url of the remote RRD database
- * @param enabled: true if you want this data plotted on the chart, false
- * if not.
- **/
- if(typeof enabled == 'undefined') {
- enabled = true;
- }
-[label, db, enabled]);
-jrrd.Chart.prototype.switchDataEnabled = function(label) {
- /**
- * Enable / Disable a single data source
- *
- * @param label: The label I{String} of the data source to be enabled /
- * disabled
- **/
- for(var i=0; i<; i++) {
- if([i][0] == label) {
-[i][2] = ![i][2];
- }
- }
-jrrd.Chart.prototype.setTimeRange = function(startTime, endTime) {
- /**
- * Alter the time range of this chart and redraw
- *
- * @param startTime: The start time I{Date}
- * @param endTime: The end time I{Date}
- **/
- this.startTime = startTime;
- this.endTime = endTime;
- return this.draw();
-jrrd.Chart.prototype.draw = function() {
- /**
- * Draw the chart
- * A 'chart_loading' event is triggered before the data is requested
- * A 'chart_loaded' event is triggered when the chart has been drawn
- *
- * @return: A I{MochiKit.Async.Deferred} which calls back with the chart
- * data when the chart has been rendered.
- **/
- this.template.trigger('chart_loading');
- var result;
- var results = [];
- for(var i=0; i<; i++) {
- if([i][2]) {
- result =[i][1].getData(this.startTime, this.endTime);
- } else {
- // If the data source has been marked as disabled return a fake
- // empty dataset
- // 0 values so that it can contribute to a stacked chart.
- // 0 linewidth so that it doesn't cause a line in stacked chart
- result = new MochiKit.Async.Deferred();
- result.callback({
- data: [
- [this.startTime.getTime(), 0],
- [this.endTime.getTime(), 0]
- ],
- lines: {
- lineWidth: 0
- }
- });
- }
- results.push(result);
- }
- return MochiKit.Async.gatherResults(results)
- .addCallback(
- function(self, data) {
- var i, label, disabled = [];
- unit = '';
- for(i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
- label =[i][0];
- if(label) {
- data[i].label = label;
- }
- if(typeof data[i].unit != 'undefined') {
- // Just use the last unit for now
- unit = data[i].unit;
- }
- if(![i][2]) {
- disabled.push(label);
- }
- }
- $.plot(self.template, data, self.options);
- // Highlight any disabled data sources in the legend
- self.template.find('.legendLabel').each(
- function(i, el) {
- var labelCell = $(el);
- if( $.inArray(labelCell.text(), disabled) > -1 ) {
- labelCell.addClass('disabled');
- }
- }
- );
- var yaxisUnitLabel = $('<div>').text(self.siPrefix + unit)
- .css({width: '100px',
- position: 'absolute',
- top: '80px',
- left: '-90px',
- 'text-align': 'right'});
- self.template.append(yaxisUnitLabel);
- yaxisUnitLabel.position(self.template.position());
- return data;
- }, this)
- .addErrback(
- function(self, failure) {
- self.template.text('error: ' + failure.message);
- }, this)
- .addBoth(
- function(self, res) {
- self.template.trigger('chart_loaded');
- return res;
- }, this);
-jrrd.Chart.fromRecipe = function(rrdUrlList, recipes, templateFactory) {
- /**
- * A factory function to generate a list of I{Chart} from a list of recipes
- * and a list of available rrd files in collectd path format.
- *
- * @param rrdUrlList: A list of rrd download paths
- * @param recipes: A list of recipe objects
- * @param templateFactory: A callable which generates an html template for a
- * chart.
- **/
- var rrdUrlBlob = rrdUrlList.join('\n')
- var charts = [];
- var dataDict = {};
- var recipe, chartData, template, c, i, j, x, ds, label, rrd, unit, re, match;
- for(i=0; i<recipes.length; i++) {
- recipe = recipes[i];
- chartData = [];
- for(j=0; j<recipe['data'].length; j++) {
- rrd = recipe['data'][j][0];
- ds = recipe['data'][j][1];
- label = recipe['data'][j][2];
- unit = recipe['data'][j][3];
- re = new RegExp('.*/' + rrd, 'gm');
- match = rrdUrlBlob.match(re);
- if(!match) {
- continue;
- }
- for(x=0; x<match.length; x++) {
- if(typeof dataDict[match[x]] == 'undefined') {
- dataDict[match[x]] = new jrrd.RrdQueryRemote(match[x], unit);
- }
- chartData.push([label, new jrrd.RrdQueryDsProxy(dataDict[match[x]], ds)]);
- }
- }
- if(chartData.length > 0) {
- template = templateFactory();
- template.find('.title').text(recipe['title']);
- c = new jrrd.Chart(template.find('.chart'), recipe['options']);
- for(j=0; j<chartData.length; j++) {
- c.addData.apply(c, chartData[j]);
- }
- charts.push(c);
- }
- }
- return charts;
-// Options common to all the chart on this page
-jrrd.Chart.BASE_OPTIONS = {
- grid: {
- clickable: false,
- borderWidth: 1,
- borderColor: "#000",
- color: "#000",
- backgroundColor: "#fff",
- tickColor: "#eee"
- },
- legend: {
- position: 'nw',
- noColumns: 2
- },
- selection: {
- mode: 'x'
- },
- series: {
- points: { show: false },
- lines: {
- show: true,
- steps: false,
- shadowSize: 0,
- lineWidth: 1
- },
- shadowSize: 0
- },
- xaxis: {
- mode: "time"
- }
-// Extra options to generate a stacked chart
-jrrd.Chart.STACKED_OPTIONS = {
- series: {
- stack: true,
- lines: {
- fill: 0.5
- }
- }
- 'cpu': [
- {
- title: 'CPU Usage',
- data: [
- ['cpu-0/cpu-wait.rrd', 0, 'CPU-0 Wait', '%'],
- ['cpu-1/cpu-wait.rrd', 0, 'CPU-1 Wait', '%'],
- ['cpu-0/cpu-system.rrd', 0, 'CPU-0 System', '%'],
- ['cpu-1/cpu-system.rrd', 0, 'CPU-1 System', '%'],
- ['cpu-0/cpu-user.rrd', 0, 'CPU-0 User', '%'],
- ['cpu-1/cpu-user.rrd', 0, 'CPU-1 User', '%']
- ],
- options: jQuery.extend(true, {}, jrrd.Chart.BASE_OPTIONS,
- },
- ],
- 'memory': [
- {
- title: 'Memory',
- data: [
- ['memory/memory-buffered.rrd', 0, 'Buffered', 'B'],
- ['memory/memory-used.rrd', 0, 'Used', 'B'],
- ['memory/memory-cached.rrd', 0, 'Cached', 'B'],
- ['memory/memory-free.rrd', 0, 'Free', 'B']
- ],
- options: jQuery.extend(true, {}, jrrd.Chart.BASE_OPTIONS,
- }
- ],
- 'dns': [
- {
- title: 'DNS Query Types',
- data: [
- ['dns/dns_qtype-A.rrd', 0, 'A', 'Q/s'],
- ['dns/dns_qtype-PTR.rrd', 0, 'PTR', 'Q/s'],
- ['dns/dns_qtype-SOA.rrd', 0, 'SOA', 'Q/s'],
- ['dns/dns_qtype-SRV.rrd', 0, 'SRV', 'Q/s']
- ],
- options: jQuery.extend(true, {}, jrrd.Chart.BASE_OPTIONS)
- },
- {
- title: 'DNS Return Codes',
- data: [
- ['dns/dns_rcode-NOERROR.rrd', 0, 'NOERROR', 'Q/s'],
- ['dns/dns_rcode-NXDOMAIN.rrd', 0, 'NXDOMAIN', 'Q/s'],
- ['dns/dns_rcode-SERVFAIL.rrd', 0, 'SERVFAIL', 'Q/s']
- ],
- options: jQuery.extend(true, {}, jrrd.Chart.BASE_OPTIONS)
- }
- ],
- 'load': [
- {
- title: 'Load Average',
- data: [
- ['load/load.rrd', 'shortterm', 'Short Term', ''],
- ['load/load.rrd', 'midterm', 'Medium Term', ''],
- ['load/load.rrd', 'longterm', 'Long Term', '']
- ],
- options: jQuery.extend(true, {}, jrrd.Chart.BASE_OPTIONS)
- }
- ],
- 'interface': [
- {
- title: 'Wlan0 Throughput',
- data: [
- ['interface/if_octets-wlan0.rrd', 'tx', 'Transmit', 'b/s'],
- ['interface/if_octets-wlan0.rrd', 'rx', 'Receive', 'b/s']
- ],
- options: jQuery.extend(true, {}, jrrd.Chart.BASE_OPTIONS)
- }
- ]
- * Presents the user with a form and a timeline with which they can choose a
- * time range and co-ordinates the refreshing of a series of charts.
- *
- * @param ui: A one element I{jQuery} containing an input form and placeholders
- * for the timeline and for the series of charts.
- **/
-jrrd.ChartCoordinator = function(ui) {
- this.ui = ui;
- this.charts = [];
- var self = this;
- // Update the time ranges and redraw charts when the form is submitted
- this.ui.bind('submit', function(e) {
- self.update();
- return false;
- });
- // Reset all the charts to the default time range when the reset button is
- // pressed.
- this.ui.bind('reset', function(e) {
- self.reset();
- return false;
- });
- // Style and configuration of the range timeline
- this.rangePreviewOptions = {
- grid: {
- borderWidth: 1
- },
- selection: {
- mode: 'x'
- },
- xaxis: {
- mode: "time"
- },
- yaxis: {
- ticks: []
- }
- };
- // When a selection is made on the range timeline, redraw all the charts.
- this.ui.bind("plotselected", function(event, ranges) {
- self.setTimeRange(new Date(ranges.xaxis.from),
- new Date(;
- });
-jrrd.ChartCoordinator.prototype.update = function() {
- /**
- * Grab the start and end time from the ui form, highlight the range on the
- * range timeline and set the time range of all the charts and redraw.
- **/
- var startTime = new Date(this.ui[0].startTime.value);
- var endTime = new Date(this.ui[0].endTime.value);
- var chartsLoading = [];
- for(var i=0; i<this.charts.length; i++){
- // Don't render charts which are not currently visible
- if(this.charts[i]':visible')) {
- chartsLoading.push(
- this.charts[i].setTimeRange(startTime, endTime));
- }
- }
- return MochiKit.Async.gatherResults(chartsLoading).addCallback(
- function(self, startTime, endTime, chartData) {
- var firstUpdate = new Date().getTime();
- var lastUpdate = 0;
- for(var i=0; i<chartData.length; i++) {
- for(var j=0; j<chartData[i].length; j++) {
- if(chartData[i][j].firstUpdated < firstUpdate) {
- firstUpdate = chartData[i][j].firstUpdated;
- }
- if(chartData[i][j].lastUpdated > lastUpdate) {
- lastUpdate = chartData[i][j].lastUpdated;
- }
- }
- }
- var ranges = {
- xaxis: {
- from: Math.max(startTime.getTime(), firstUpdate),
- to: Math.min(endTime.getTime(), lastUpdate)
- }
- };
- // Add a suitable extended head and tail to preview graph time axis
- var HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60;
- var DAY = HOUR * 24;
- var WEEK = DAY * 7;
- var MONTH = DAY * 31;
- var YEAR = DAY * 365;
- var periods = [HOUR, HOUR*6, HOUR*12,
- DAY, DAY*3,
- var range = - ranges.xaxis.from;
- for(var i=0; i<periods.length; i++) {
- if(range <= periods[i]) {
- i++;
- break;
- }
- }
- // Dummy data for the range timeline
- var data = [
- [Math.max(ranges.xaxis.from - periods[i-1], firstUpdate), 1],
- [Math.min( + periods[i-1], lastUpdate), 1]];
- self.rangePreview = $.plot(self.ui.find('.range-preview'), [data],
- self.rangePreviewOptions);
- self.rangePreview.setSelection(ranges, true);
- }, this, startTime, endTime);
-jrrd.ChartCoordinator.prototype.setTimeRange = function(startTime, endTime) {
- /**
- * Set the start and end time fields in the form and trigger an update
- *
- * @param startTime: The start time I{Date}
- * @param endTime: The end time I{Date}
- **/
- this.ui[0].startTime.value = startTime.toString().split(' ').slice(1,5).join(' ');
- this.ui[0].endTime.value = endTime.toString().split(' ').slice(1,5).join(' ');
- return this.update();
-jrrd.ChartCoordinator.prototype.reset = function() {
- /**
- * Reset all charts and the input form to the default time range - last hour
- **/
- return this.setTimeRange(new Date(new Date().getTime()-1*60*60*1000),
- new Date());